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Prayer Reflection Video - 20 January 2025

Jonny Hirst, a minister in Rawtenstall (North Western Baptist Association) and members of the Young Adults Round Table encourage us to pray that God would help us reach out to and draw younger generations into our church communities.

One of our priorities as Baptists Together is to reach, disciple and equip 18-35s so that they too are involved in the life, worship and mission of our churches. As we pray for our Union this week, pray with us that God would help us reach out to and draw younger generations into our church communities.

Lord Jesus, help your Church to engage well with younger adults. Where they are missing in our congregations, give us a heart and the abilities to reach out to them. Where they are few in our congregation, help us to nurture faith well within them.

Father, we thank you for the those who disciple, mentor and support 18-35s year olds. Give them wisdom, time and resources in order to bless and train these people for faith and life. And for when it’s time to hand the baton on, may they be able to do that with encouragement, joy and grace.

We are blessed when younger adults bring their talents, skills and unique gifts to our communities. Spirit, empower these generations to find their gifts and have the courage and confidence to use them in mission and ministry.

As we respond to the findings of Project Violet, Lord we are sorry for where younger women in particular have been overlooked, disadvantaged, insulted or side-lined. We thank you for all the amazing women in leadership within our Union, and we pray that the Church would champion all women within our communities, recognising and honouring their value, voices, gifts and callings.

In all these things, may your kingdom come and your will be done in and through us, on earth as it is in heaven.


Click here to download the Young Adults' prayer to share with your church.
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