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Baptists Together magazine

Baptists Together is the A4 magazine which is sent to each minister, church secretary and church treasurer.  It seeks to share a range of stories of how our Baptist family is serving God in mission and ministry, as well as giving you information about developments within our Union and challenging you in your own discipleship.

Additional copies of the current edition are available to purchase from our online shop or you can download all editions from our Resource Library.
The practice of centering prayer 
In this video Jonathan Vaughan Davies, minister of Bethel Baptist Church, Cardiff invites Rosa Hunt, co-principal of Cardiff Baptist College, to introduce the practice of centering prayer
A lamentable problem  
Tim Judson shares a brief overview of the biblical and historical tradition of lament
Chat and catch 
Chat and Catch is a framework created by Parenting for Faith that encourages children to communicate with God on their own terms – and then to hear from Him. Kate Irvine, Parenting for Faith Support Coordinator, explains more
Taken from the Baptist compilations Prayers of the People (2011) and Gathering up the Crumbs (2020)
Praying for our Children
How would those who lead our children like us to pray for them? And do they have recommendations on how we can encourage our children to cultivate a prayer life?
A selection of resources to inspire your prayer life
Praying Through an activation
One of Matt Holman’s favourite ways to pray is by using an ‘activation’, which simply means hearing God through an activity. He introduces one here.
Raising the spiritual temperature in Portishead  
New Baptist initiatives are beginning to emerge in north Somerset - Lindsay Caplen explains why prayer has been key
Scripture recognises there are different kinds of prayer 
Nike Adebajo is a Regional Minister with the Yorkshire Baptist Association. Having helped facilitate ecumenical prayer gatherings in Sheffield, she emphasises the value in learning from other traditions – including from the global south and east
We are sharing Jesus with people 
Interview with Allan Barbazza, singer-songwriter and minister of King’s Cross Baptist Church in London
Prayer at a Renew space  
“A simple and accessible way of people meeting Christ” – interview with Ellen Price of Renew Stocky in Derby
We are activists held together by contemplative prayer 
With Sally Mann and Bonny Downs Baptist Church
Church growth, vibrant ecumenical relationships 
David Evans highlights the impact of prayer walking
Pilgrimage: Prayer on the move
Paul Revill walked more than 500 miles from his old home in the north east in preparation for a new ministry in Portishead. He explains why pilgrimage walking is an intentionally prayerful activity
The power of evangelistic prayer
Why prayer is at the heart of evangelism – and three evangelistic prayers anyone can commit to. By Chrissy Remsberg
Tarry Awhile
Selina Stone introduces the Black Christian spiritual practice of ‘Tarrying’, in which believers actively wait to experience a manifestation of God’s presence. It has much to teach us in the life of faith, she writes - we are all tarrying for something.
I want to encourage us ALL
A reflection by incoming President Steve Finamore in which he introduces his themes for the coming year
Why Hope?
In a world which seems to be spiralling more rapidly into chaos with every passing year, how can we pray with hope? Baptist scholar Helen Paynter offers three biblical reasons
Creating a Culture of Prayer Videos
A conversation between Lynn Green and Pete Greig
Creating a Culture of Prayer: a conversation
General Secretary Lynn Green met Pete Greig, the founder of 24-7 Prayer, and asked him a range of questions about prayer
Summer 2024 edition
Articles from 'When we pray'
Mission in the Metaverse 
What is the Metaverse? In what ways is Christ incarnate within this new world? Peter Phillips highlights these and other questions as we explore how we do mission in the digital age
What have they done?
A poem by Tim Presswood - Baptist Union President 2023-24
The Consultation process - an update
By Jonny Hirst, on behalf of the Consultation Steering Group
Prayers written in response to the themes of this edition
From internet cafes to international Zoom coffee
As technology has evolved, so it has impacted the lives of mission workers. Megan and Alan Barker, who have served long-term in Nepal with BMS, and the Chad-based Claire Bedford share their experiences
Gen Z: The art of living in a digital age
Jane Shaw introduces a multi-authored book which offers insights into Gen Z
Parenting in a Digital Age
During lockdown, many of us threw the rulebook in the air as regards boundaries for technology in the home in order to survive. Now is a brilliant time to reset those guidelines, writes Katharine Hill
‘The most effective digital evangelism platform in the UK’
Around 1500 people visit the website Christianity.org.uk each day - and more than a quarter of new enquirers are people looking to become Christians. It’s easy and free to link from your own church website, writes Cherry Hamilton Bond
Welcome to Godsquad
A church for video gamers has existed since 2016 – and Alice Cheeseman is a volunteer there.
Social media is a way of collaborating with him
Femi Onanuga is a youth pastor, minister-in-training and former London Baptists intern – and he has a passion to see people use their social media for evangelism.
Sharing Jesus through my Facebook page 
Baptist church member Paul James created an evangelistic Facebook page that initially saw many turn to Christ, and which is now developing in new ways.
‘If others are blessed by it, then good’
Much to his surprise, Baptist minister-in-training Simon Clay has developed a following on TikTok
‘Technology has been a game-changer in enabling my connection with the church’
How digital technology has blessed the life and ministry of Derby Urban Church in many unexpected and positive ways, with Chandra Morbey and Graham Watkins
A hybrid church community 
Week by week we gather ‘onsite and online’ at Hillhead Baptist Church, a hybrid community of all ages and stages, yet one congregation doing our best to be one community. By Catriona Gorton
The whole truth and nothing but the truth? 
AI, and how it relates to the gospel, was the focus of a guest service at Kendal Road Baptist Church in Gloucester earlier this year. Minister Steve Ayers explains why.
Exploring AI in art and the questions it raises through a Christian lens. By Mike Lowe
The Church making change digitally
What would it look like to be an online presence for the gospel? Introducing the Change Makers Media project, a new digital Baptist missional resource to empower the wider Baptist family to be a part of the digital revolution
Time for a defrag?
Simon Goddard and Nathan McGuire are helping to shape an online Baptist missional community called transform.church – and want to ask deeper questions about what it means to be a church in the digital sphere
From one degree of imperfection to another
This conversation between Baptist ministers Ruth Gouldbourne and Steve Holmes focuses on issues raised following the pandemic
Together Magazine
Sharing stories of how our Baptist family is serving God in mission and ministry
Spring 2021 edition
Articles from 'Our Identity: listening to conversations'
Summer 2021 edition
Articles from 'Pain and hope'
Autumn 2021 edition
Articles from 'Order and chaos'
Spring 2022 edition
Articles from 'Is it time for a new song?'
Summer 2022 edition
Articles from 'Conversation and Connection'
Autumn 2022 edition
Articles from 'Diverse people, common ground'
Summer 2023 edition
Articles from 'God is at work'
Autumn 2023 edition
Articles from 'Digital Revolution'
Summer 2024 edition
Articles from 'When we pray'