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Celebrating baptisms in Huddersfield 

Lockwood Baptist Church, Huddersfield celebrated how God has been working in a wonderful way in the lives of two people from a non-church background

One of our fellowship, Savneet Singh, was driving in the pouring rain and saw Graeme waiting at the bus stop and felt prompted by God to turn back and offer him a lift, although he was a complete stranger. Savneet explained to Graeme why he had given him the lift and shared his faith. They got to know each other and Savneet later invited Graeme to his Baptism, Easter 2015, where Graeme made the decision to follow Jesus.

Prior to this Graeme had challenged God that if He existed to help him with his life, to his complete surprise Savneet had stopped and given him the lift. By the end of the journey Graeme felt this was the answer to his plea to God.

Following this, Graeme, an old school friend of Kelly's, having not contacted her for years did so through Facebook and told her about his new found faith and invited her to church.

There were other 'coincidences' in Kelly's life, including a Lockwood BC leaflet pushed through her door when she was out, inviting her to church at a time she was questioning the meaning of life and wanted to know more about God, having avidly read a children's Bible at the school where she was librarian.

She found out that Lockwood BC was the same church that Graeme attended and had invited her to. She eventually accepted Jesus as her Saviour in June 2015.

David Martin, their Bible study leader baptised them, assisted in the water by Savneet. The service was led by the Revd Brian Walters, followed by a fellowship meal.

Baptist Times, 22/08/2016
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