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Review of the year 2024 

Highlighting the 30 most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times over the last 12 months   


Council Mar 24 800Baptist Union Council: March 2024
Most of the March 2024 Council was devoted to answering the question regarding Ministry and Marriage as defined in the Ministerial Recognition (MR) rules

PV800Project Violet findings released
Project Violet is a major study into women’s experience of ministry, which has sought to understand more fully the theological, missional, and structural obstacles women ministers face in the Baptist community in England and Wales.
The findings of the three year research project were released on 2 May

Council June 800Baptist Union Council: June 2024
Baptist Union Council has agreed a series of proposals that seek to make Baptists Together financially sustainable in the future - for the benefit of local mission and ministry


Prayer cross signing800 3Dozens sign Baptist Union prayer crosses
Many Assembly delegates signed two wooden crosses over the Baptist Assembly weekend to symbolise our unity in Christ and for our mission


Firestarters conversations800New Firestarters conversations for 2024
Three new Firestarters conversations, which enable congregations to rediscover a passion to help new people become Christians, are taking place in Baptist churches this year


Home Affairs Select Committee8Churches defend integrity over asylum seeker welcome at Select Committee
The Biblical motivations for why Baptist churches are supporting vulnerable asylum seekers – and the difficult ramifications at being featured in the national press for doing so – were shared with MPs


Steve Finamore800Younger leaders and scripture focus for new President Steve Finamore
Steve outlined the twin focus of his theme as he was inducted as our President for 2024-25, urging Baptists to focus on developing younger leaders, and to think afresh about the place of the Bible in our worship and teaching

Brian Haymes800 2'He always insisted on the centrality of God... and his contribution to the life of the Baptists will endure'
Tributes have been paid to Brian Haymes, described as 'one of the greatest British Baptist figures of modern times', who has died aged 84

Worship800New worship song at Baptist Assembly
A new worship song which featured a silent section in British Sign Language was created collaboratively at the Baptist Assembly and then sung (and signed) twice on the Sunday morning
'God clearly spoke to us throughout the weekend in a number of different ways - what a privilege to be able to take a snapshot of that moment and declare the wonders of God as Baptists Together,' said worship leader Simon Gudger 

Project Violet (1)'Prepare for Project Violet findings'
The Baptist community in Britain is being urged to prepare for the findings of major research on women’s experience of ministry - and a new podcast series has launched to help


Assembly2023 800Three-year mission vision for Baptist Assembly
Three-year strategic mission focus will also offer national discussion and resolutions


Mindful Formation  a pathway tMindful formation: a pathway to spiritual liberation
When mindfulness is integrated with our contemplative tradition, it helps us become more like Christ, writes Baptist minister Shaun Lambert, whose decade-long exploration of the subject is about to be published


Prayer cross800Praying for our life together - with Jesus at the centre
A prayer initiative which seeks to place Jesus at the centre of everything we do as Baptists Together and inspire prayer for one another will be launched at this year's Baptist Assembly


WDP Palestine800‘I beg you, bear with one another in love’
The Christian Women of Palestine are calling us to connect with the land from where Jesus came on this year’s World Day of Prayer


St Hild Centre for Baptist MinLaunch of St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry
St Hild College has announced the launch of the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry, for the training and formation of missional leaders for the Baptist family

Paul Fiddes and Alex Harris'An opportunity for Baptists to engage with some great theology'
Paul Fiddes and Alex Harris are the keynote speakers at this year's Baptist Theology North on 7 June, when the theme is Baptist Church: Back to the Future?


George Cadbury1917 800George Cadbury and Christian responsibilities
George Cadbury is an excellent example of a Christian who faithfully obeyed God in his sphere of responsibility – a chocolate factory. By Mark Roques


Max-morning-prayer 800'We cannot walk in your shoes, but we can do as Jesus did and wash your feet'
Joshua T. Searle reports on the February 2024 Dnipro Hope mission trip to Ukraine

Why hope800New series highlights biblical reasons for hope
Baptist minister and biblical scholar the Revd Dr Helen Paynter hopes viewers can gain a fresh perspective upon the great pains of this world by exploring scriptural themes and truths - and a stronger faith


Next generation of ministers 8New initiative to support our next generation of ministers
The Baptist Union now has a partnership with Stewardship to enable individual Baptist ministers-in-training to receive financial support from friends, church members and churches during their period of ministerial formation

Living Well With God800Living Well with God by Jo Acharya
'An excellent and much needed volume for those with learning/conceptual difficulties - an often neglected yet very important section of our congregations'

Andrew Miles 800Disability awareness focus encouraged
Baptist churches have been encouraged to hold a dedicated service or event to celebrate Disability Awareness Week this September


Ocean church800'We meet in a park, on the beach, even out on the water' - the story of Ocean Church
It began as a missional community hoping to bring together those looking to reconnect with nature, spirituality, and community. Now Ocean Church has joined the Southern Counties Baptist Association - minister John Good explains more

Bruno and Other Friends800Bruno and other friends: encounters and reflections
Baptist minister Ivan King explains why he has written a book honouring some of the ordinary people who have welcomed him into their world as a pastor


Cranmer-robot-image 800Baptist colleges launch projects exploring science and ministry
Cardiff Baptist College and Regent’s Park College are among four theological colleges in the UK and Republic of Ireland to have been awarded funding to develop teaching resources incorporating science, ethics, and theology


Inter Faith Network 800'The Inter Faith Network is in peril - please support it'
The government is withdrawing funding from the Inter Faith Network, leading to its potential closure. Paul Weller, a member of the Baptists Together Inter Faith Working Group, is encouraging Baptists to urgently protest the decision


Everyone Everywhere800 (1)'If you have a heart for seeing people reached for Jesus, this is for you'
Everyone Everywhere, the recently launched Baptist collaboration that seeks to equip Baptists to share Jesus fully, is hosting a national conference on Tuesday, 8 October


Allan1 800'We are so emotionally overwhelmed, humbled and blessed by your kindness'
Baptist minister Allan Finnegan, who is fundraising for life-extending cancer treatment not available on the NHS, meets initial £50,000 target in just one week - and can now book the first of three treatments

Fresh Streams prayer and fastiBaptist prayer and fasting gatherings on 26 September
Prayer and fasting gatherings with a mission focus are being hosted by Baptist churches across England and Wales on 26 September


BU Council Mar24 800Baptist Union Council, October 2024
A report from Baptist Union Council, including Project Violet, changes to Ministerial Recognition Rules, mission across Baptists Together, and BUEN (Baptist Union Environment Network) 


Thumbnail image | Daniil Silantev | Unsplash


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'A tool for growth, creativity, and renewal'
A new video based resource designed to help churches reflect on their mission and ministry through the lens of other churches has launched
'A vibrant exploration of cultural diversity, unity, and hope'
Osoba Otaigbe reports from the 2025 Intercultural Church and City Transformation Gathering
'An adventurous spirit, a trailblazing call to China'
Until now little has been told of Jennie Hudson Taylor, the second wife of China Inland Mission (CIM) founder James Hudson Taylor, yet she was a true pioneer. Biographer Marion Osgood explains more
‘Our aim is to help participants learn peace-making skills’
The Blackley Centre is once again hosting its Paths of Peace Training Course, which equips participants with the skills to transform conflicts in a church setting and beyond. Baptist minister and mediation trainer Joanna Williams explains more
'Our nation's children need the church'
Families are suffering as never before. Ian Soars, CEO of the charity Spurgeons, says churches have a role in reversing the decline in children and young people’s wellbeing - and explains how
Living with limitations
A new blog series from the Northumbrian Collective seeks to grapple honestly and thoughtfully with a question we might prefer not to think about, led by people who experience disability in their day-to-day life. Craig Millward introduces it
     The Baptist Times 
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