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General Election resources for churches 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced the General Election will be on Thursday, 4 July. What might your church do to engage in the lead up to this critical moment for the UK and the communities you serve?…

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has recently launched three major resources for churches to consider

JPIT-Election-Orignal 1All resources can be found here: jpit.uk/elections 

1. A hustings resource 
A comprehensive guide to arranging a local hustings event. With lots of varieties of election meetings to consider, the time is here to reach out to your local ecumenical networks and start planning.

2. A General Election issues briefing
Covers the six issues that frame JPIT's work, this resource explains why we as Christians should give serious consideration to these issues and explores how the issues are relevant at this time in the UK. It also offers a list of three adaptable questions you might like to ask parliamentary candidates.

3. Voter Registration Champions
The Electoral Commission estimates that 8 million eligible voters will miss out because they are not properly registered. 4 million eligible voters will miss out because they don’t have Photo ID. And 14 million eligible voters won’t see the point of turning out to vote. Let’s do what we can to ensure all those our churches have contact with have the ability and motivation to take part in the election.

JPIT also has some helpful thoughts to offer about having healthy conversations and building bridges across the political divides.

All resources can be found here: jpit.uk/elections 

Also do please reach out to Steve Tinning, the Baptist Union's Public Issues Enabler, at any time to think through how he may be able to support your church’s political engagement at the election AND beyond.

Contact Steve via this form 

Baptist Times, 23/05/2024
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