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Review of the year 2022 

Highlighting the 30 most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times over the last 12 months 


CouncilGraphic800Baptist Union Council: March 2022
A report from the March Council


EBF Ukraine800'Ukraine crisis: crying out for God’s protection and justice for the vulnerable' 
Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch an invasion of Ukraine has been met with widespread condemnation and sorrow, as well as renewed calls for prayer - our story when war broke out

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow 202An open letter to His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill, Moscow 
From Baptist minister the Revd Dr Keith Clements, former General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches 


CouncilGraphic October22 800Baptist Union Council: October 2022
A report from October Council


Fresh Streams800Fresh Streams leadership statement following summer theology school 
The leadership team at Fresh Streams has released a statement highlighting points of agreement following the 'engaging and positive' theology school the network hosted in June

Working class800Reaching a neglected demographic 
I am extremely grateful to have been used by God to reach white, working-class people, writes Baptist minister William Wade. Here are some observations about interacting with this often disaffected group

Assembly2022 800Connection and conversation – the Baptist Assembly 2022 
A piece to introduce the theme of this year's Assembly, the first onsite gathering since 2019


Hayley800Building a bigger table - Hayley Young inducted as President 
Can we, as a Baptist movement, build a bigger table for the sake of the gospel? That was the challenge from new President Hayley Young


Marriage800Marriage and accredited ministry
An update ahead of October's Baptist Union Council meeting


Leviticus800Need help with Leviticus? 
Baptist minister and tutor Helen Paynter introduces a new, short video series on one of the trickiest books in the Bible


Firestarters1The return of Firestarters in 2022 
The grassroots friendship of growing Baptist churches helping other churches through honest, open conversations with church leadership teams has a series of new dates this year, writes Alex Harris

Pantry800Saving on supermarket bills - and fostering community 
North End Baptist Church in Portsmouth closed its foodbank and opened a pantry after wanting to help people access food more cheaply - and the benefits have gone beyond the pocket  

Whitley 2022 800The Church is Political: living with our disagreements 
How can we love one another in the face of profound disagreement? I believe we can find the resources or practices within our Baptist politics, writes Andy Goodliff, who is delivering the 2022 Whitley Lecture 

Church online800 shutterstock 2022 will define the shape of church for the future … 
Some people like doing church from home. Is this a new face of church for the 21st century? Is it a Fresh Expression of church?

Or is it this another face of consumerism and not really “church” at all? By Chris Goswami  

Tech giants800Why Christians should be concerned about the growing influence of the tech giants 
Will these brands continue to serve us, or is there a point at which they become “idols of our time”, with us serving them? By Chris Goswami 

Satellites800Baptist churches supporting new summer youth festival
The Youthscape 'Satellites' event - a new five-day camp aimed specifically at Christian youth groups - takes place in Peterborough from 9-13 August 


Our Faithful Queen800'She is an unashamed, committed Christian and her faith is worth celebrating' 
As the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations fast approached, churches across the country were gearing up to mark the occasion


Theos800Religion has a place in the modern world - Gen Z 
A new study suggests a more balanced perspective towards the relationship between science and religion in younger generations 


Warm Spaces Welcome‘We think it’s a practical way of responding to the cost of living crisis’ 
At least 240 Baptist churches have registered their buildings as warm spaces this winter.

Talking Jesus800Latest Talking Jesus report now available 
The report by Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church shows the state of faith in the UK, how people come to faith in Jesus and how we, as the church, can talk about Jesus more effectively with our friends and in our community

Tim Presswood800Baptist Union Presidency for Tim Presswood
Baptists have discerned that the Revd Tim Presswood will serve as Baptists Together President 2023-24 

Books 800Suggestions for your summer reads 
In his regular offering at this time of year, Andy Goodliff selects seven books that will help us think about our Christian faith - and there's something for all ages.   


Footprints800‘I hope that we can be a witness to our Lord’ 
A-60-year-old Christian bookshop owned by a Baptist couple in Darlington is set for a new lease of life as it moves into new premises


Global Sanctuary Foundation800'Register support for Ukrainian refugee programme' 
UK churches - including Baptist churches - are being encouraged to register their support of a UK sponsorship programme for Ukrainian refugees

OBM 800The Order for Baptist Ministry: ten years old 
'We wanted to strengthen the life of those called to serve the church as pastors, so they in turn might strengthen the discipleship of their fellow church members' 

Founding member Paul Goodliff on a decade of the Order for Baptist Ministry
Firestarters800How Firestarters is growing to support Baptist churches 
Begun in 2017 as a series of conversations, the Firestarters Network is expanding the ways it can support and help Baptist churches grow through reaching people for Jesus


Paul Goodliff image and bookCelebrating the ministry of Paul Goodliff 
A Baptist celebration to mark the retirement of Paul Goodliff took place on Friday, 10 June - and culminated in the presentation of a festschrift, a set of essays in his honour

1184350Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge for Home Mission 
Current President Hayley Young is donning her walking boots to raise funds for Home Mission, and will be joined by several others passionate about the cause. She explains more


Sanctuary Course800Moving the mental health conversation into the heart of the church 
Corin Pilling introduces The Sanctuary Course, a new small-group resource designed to reduce stigma, raise awareness, and engage communities in meaningful conversations about mental health and faith
Wound - Pexels 800Closing the wound within 
'Who am I, if I feel I can no longer minister to others, empty as I am?' By Shaun Lambert


Thumbnail image | Artturi Jalli | Unsplash
Baptist Times, 16/12/2022
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Paws Together for God - helping children access prayer
Helping children to understand the comforting nature of prayer is the subject of Hilary Robinson's latest picture book - Paws Together for God
'A tool for growth, creativity, and renewal'
A new video based resource designed to help churches reflect on their mission and ministry through the lens of other churches has launched
'A vibrant exploration of cultural diversity, unity, and hope'
Osoba Otaigbe reports from the 2025 Intercultural Church and City Transformation Gathering
'An adventurous spirit, a trailblazing call to China'
Until now little has been told of Jennie Hudson Taylor, the second wife of China Inland Mission (CIM) founder James Hudson Taylor, yet she was a true pioneer. Biographer Marion Osgood explains more
‘Our aim is to help participants learn peace-making skills’
The Blackley Centre is once again hosting its Paths of Peace Training Course, which equips participants with the skills to transform conflicts in a church setting and beyond. Baptist minister and mediation trainer Joanna Williams explains more
'Our nation's children need the church'
Families are suffering as never before. Ian Soars, CEO of the charity Spurgeons, says churches have a role in reversing the decline in children and young people’s wellbeing - and explains how
     The Baptist Times 
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