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Six suggestions for your summer reads

In his regular offering at this time of year, Andy Goodliff selects six books that will help us think about our Christian faith

NovelI Julian

I, Julian:  The fictional autobiography of Julian of Norwich by Clare Gilbert 

An opportunity to engage with the life and thought of Julian of Norwich, a Christian mystic from the 14th Century.


The Home of GodTheology

The Home of God: A Brief Story of Everything, by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz

Taking the motif of home, Volf and McAnnally-Linz offer an account of Christian faith in conversation with the book of Exodus, the gospel of John and the book of Revelation.


Romans (1)Bible

Romans, by Beverly Gaventa 

A new, fresh, wonderful commentary on the letter to the Romans, which will be a great source of help to those who preach. 



English SoulHistory

The English Soul: Faith of a Nation, by Peter Ackroyd 

A history of Christian faith in England that includes Helwys, Bunyan and Spurgeon. 



Slow Wisdom by Ruth MoriartyBaptist

Slow Wisdom, by Ruth Moriarty 

Ruth offers us her research into how Baptists discern in the church meeting at a wonderful price. A must read for all ministers. Find out more at www.slowwisdom.com



Fully Alive by Elizabeth OldfiSpirituality

Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times, by Elizabeth Oldfield

Taking the seven deadly sins as a starting point, Oldfield explores a more virtuous, deeper, and truer life. 



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Andy Goodliff is minister of Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend-on-Sea. He is deputy director of the Centre for Baptist Studies at Regent’s Park College, where he also teaches Baptist history and theology

Baptist Times, 24/07/2024
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