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Review of the year 2023  

Highlighting the 30 most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times over the last 12 months  


Council800 1Baptist Union Council: March 2023 
A report from the March Council 


Baptist Assembly800 (1)Mission is…. The Baptist Assembly 2023  
An introduction to the 2023 Assembly, held in Telford 


1253001The Church in England and Wales is changing shape - not declining  
Is this narrative of decline actually true? Bible Society has found it isn't, for when we ask wider questions, we begin to see things rather differently, explains Mark Woods  

Rick Warren installation as SpSpurgeon’s College welcomes Pastor Rick Warren as its first honorary Chancellor 
Spurgeon’s College has jointly announced with the Revd Dr Rick Warren his installation as its first honorary Chancellor 


Ruth Rice800'Don’t forget, there’s still a simple, safe, sustainable way to be church in community' 
Renew Wellbeing is a Christian charity founded by Baptist pastor Ruth Rice which seeks to end isolation and help facilitate better mental health for all. It works in partnership with churches to offer quiet shared spaces where ‘it’s ok not be ok.’ 

Ruth recently sat down for a chat with fellow Baptist minister Shaun Lambert to share how these quiet shared spaces came about - and explain more about the impact they're having  

Steve-Finamore800Baptist Union Presidency for Steve Finamore 
Baptists have discerned that Steve Finamore will serve as our President in 2024-2025 


Tim's address800Sharing Christ’s Great Banquet - Tim Presswood inducted as President 
New President Tim Presswood introduced his theme in the form of a powerful and challenging poem as he was inducted at the Baptist Assembly on Saturday (17 June) 

CouncilGraphicOct23 800Baptist Union Council: October 2023 
A report from the October Council 


Repair cafe Chiddingfold 800Repair café opens in Baptist church  
The Chiddingfold Repair Café has launched in Chiddingfold Baptist Church in south Surrey. Minister Joao Bolzan explains more 


David Nixon800‘Wonderfully, consistently, yet quietly encouraging and supporting’ 
Tributes have been paid to former Baptist Union treasurer David Nixon, who died in January 


SENT800'So many young leaders... and their passion for Jesus was incredible' 
Young Baptist leaders have been reflecting on the impact of participating in a global mission summit organised by the European Baptist Federation 

Digital Pentecost800#Digital Pentecost  
A series of conversations about shaping an online Baptist missional community. By Simon Goddard and Nathan McGuire  


James+Stevenson+Sarah+Phillpot‘Unprecedented ecumenical exchange’ as a Baptist and Anglican church in Bristol swap buildings 
Horfield Baptist Church and B&A Church in Bristol have moved into each other’s buildings after discerning they were more suited to their respective missions and ministries   

12 step 800We took our church through the 12 steps of recovery, and here’s what happened…  
With several people joining Life Church in Cuffley from local recovery groups, pastor William Wade wondered if it might be helpful to go through the 12 steps of recovery programme as a discipleship series on Sunday mornings 

WatchetBig church, little church  
Watchet Baptist Church has been on a journey discovering new ways of being missional disciples of Jesus - and this has included an overhaul of Sundays. Minister Mike Sherburn is joined by several members in reflecting on what’s happened so far 

Theology Live 2024 800Discernment focus for Theology Live 
Theology Live on 19 January will take the time to reflect on how we discern, so central to our being Baptist, and the theology that gives it meaning and weight, organisers say  

MicrosoftTeams-image (1)Being a young Christian post-Christendom: not just a numbers game 
This article is the first in a series sharing perspectives from young Christians about being young Christians. The census results may have been a shock to many experienced Christians, but they were not a surprise to our young people, writes Amanda Higgin 

SCBA800Collaborative leadership for SCBA 
The Southern Counties Baptist Association has called Clare Hooper and Hayley Young as its Regional Ministers Co Team Leaders 


Mairi and Graham McBain800'This was a very different way of mission for us' 
Mairi and Graham McBain are Community Pastors in Hartlepool and in July served as volunteers when the Tall Ships Race visited the town. They explain how this was part of their incarnational 'joining in' ministry there 

Church pilgrimage SWBA800‘None of us left that journey unchanged and unchallenged’  
What happened when a group of Baptist ministers walked the Abbot's Way through the Dartmoor National Park. By Michael Shaw 


Restaurant Ecclesiology800Turning the tables on restaurant ecclesiology 
Baptist minister Chris Brockway wants to nurture covenantal commitment in the local church, after realising the church experience for both leaders and congregation can be a consumeristic one - akin to life in a metaphorical restaurant  

Light Festival LowestoftChurches come together as chaplains at Lowestoft festival 
Ten chaplains volunteered their time to host a space where people could encounter the presence of God at the First Light Festival 


Pastoral Supervison800The place of Pastoral Supervision in ministerial development 
Retired Baptist minister Paul Campion highlights the importance of Pastoral Supervision or similar support and accountability, in order to experience life in all its fulness and to keep alive the flame of a calling and gifting in ministry 

David Hazeldine and family800'Hope out of devastation' 
Baptist minister David Hazeldine has survived four strokes and ‘locked-in’ syndrome. Though retired from full-time ministry on ill-health grounds, he is developing an itinerant ministry in London and the south east, and his miraculous recovery story has just been published 

Lynn Green800'Christ is with us' - General Secretary's message 
'God is at work in wonderful ways in and through Baptists Together – let’s not lose sight of that in the face of our challenges.' So said General Secretary Lynn Green as she shared reflections during the BUGB session on Saturday afternoon 

Gaza800 (1)'Incredibly challenging - but tangibly showing Christ's love'  
Baptists at the heart of the Israel-Hamas war have been sharing their anguish and grief at the situation unfolding before them, how they are helping support those affected 


Communities800Starting the missional journey 
How do we reach our communities for Jesus? William Wade has continued to reflect on this question since last year's Baptist Assembly. He offers this reflection and video 


London Baptists800Three new regional ministers for London Baptists 
London Baptists have announced the appointments of Lucy Wright, Claire Nicholls and Josh Kane to their regional ministry team  


It is Well800 (1)‘Praying the Lord will use this musical to impact many people’s lives for His Kingdom’  
A new evangelistic musical written by a Baptist minister which tells the story behind the enduring hymn It is Well with My Soul is set to premiere in June 

Evesham800‘The new church and community centre is all about people and God’s care for them’ 
After years of planning, praying, and perseverance, ground was broken on Evesham Baptist Church’s new site in late November 





Baptist Times, 15/12/2023
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Paws Together for God - helping children access prayer
Helping children to understand the comforting nature of prayer is the subject of Hilary Robinson's latest picture book - Paws Together for God
'A tool for growth, creativity, and renewal'
A new video based resource designed to help churches reflect on their mission and ministry through the lens of other churches has launched
'A vibrant exploration of cultural diversity, unity, and hope'
Osoba Otaigbe reports from the 2025 Intercultural Church and City Transformation Gathering
'An adventurous spirit, a trailblazing call to China'
Until now little has been told of Jennie Hudson Taylor, the second wife of China Inland Mission (CIM) founder James Hudson Taylor, yet she was a true pioneer. Biographer Marion Osgood explains more
‘Our aim is to help participants learn peace-making skills’
The Blackley Centre is once again hosting its Paths of Peace Training Course, which equips participants with the skills to transform conflicts in a church setting and beyond. Baptist minister and mediation trainer Joanna Williams explains more
'Our nation's children need the church'
Families are suffering as never before. Ian Soars, CEO of the charity Spurgeons, says churches have a role in reversing the decline in children and young people’s wellbeing - and explains how
     The Baptist Times 
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