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Core Leadership Team

The Core Leadership Team is part of our exploring of a ‘dual operating’ approach for Baptists Together.

The Core Leadership Team (CLT) is an expression of covenant and interdependence for us as Baptists.  It draws together many of those offering leadership across our Movement (Regional Team Leaders, College Principals, Specialist Team Leaders, our President, Treasurer, General Secretary, the Moderators of Council and the Trustee Board, together with a leader from each of our current priority areas) and its purpose is to perceive what God is doing, to encourage flourishing across Baptists Together and to model together what it means to be a Kingdom Movement. 

To view the reports from each meeting click here.

Mission. Marriage
Members of the Core Leadership Team
The current members of the Core Leadership Team are:
Regional Minister Team Leaders
The Revd Lisa Kerry
Central Baptist Association
LisaKerry July 2022
The Revd Mark Clay
East Midland Baptist Association
MarkClay (002) MP July 2020
The Revd David Mayne
Eastern Baptist Association
The Revd Adrian Argile
Heart of England Baptist Association
AdrianArgile (002)MP July 20
The Revd Phil Barnard
London Baptist Association
PhilBarnard (002)MP July 20
The Revd Phil Jump
North Western Baptist Association
The Revd Linda Donaldson
Northern Baptist Association
The Revd Johnny Pozzo
Northern Baptist Association
Johnny NBA profile
The Revd Joth Hunt
South Eastern Baptist Association
JothHunt MP August 2022
The Revd Mark Fairweather-Tall
South Wales Baptist Association
MarkFairweatherTall (002) MP J
The Revd Nigel Manges
South West Baptist Association
NigelManges (002)MP July 20
The Revd Carl Smethurst
South West Baptist Association
CarlSmethurst (002)MP July 20
The Revd Clare Hooper 
Southern Counties Baptist Association
ClareHooper (003)MP August 202
The Revd Hayley Young
Southern Counties Baptist Association
Hayley Young (002)
The Revd Gary Woodall
West of England Baptist Network
GaryWoodall MP
The Revd Graham Ensor
Yorkshire Baptist Association
GrahamEnsor (002) MP July 2020
College Principals
The Revd Dr Anthony Clarke
Regent's Park College
AnthonyClarke (003)MP
The Revd Dr Peter Morden
Bristol Baptist College
PeterMorden MP
The Revd Dr Glen Marshall
Northern Baptist College
GlenMarshall (002)MP July 20
The Revd Dr Clara Rushbrook
Northern Baptist College
ClaraRushbrook (002) MPJuly 20
The Revd Rosa Hunt
South Wales Baptist College
RosaHunt (002)MP July 20
The Revd Ed Kaneen
South Wales Baptist College
EdKaneen (002)MP July 20
The Revd Prof Philip McCormack
Spurgeon's College
PhilipMcCormack (002)MP July 2
Specialist Team Leaders
Ms Rachel Stone
HR and Safeguarding
RachelStone (002)MP July 20
The Revd Diane Watts
Faith and Society
DianeWatts (002)MP July 20
The Revd Tim Fergusson
Ministries Team Co-Leader
TimFergusson MP August 2020
The Revd Lee Johnson
Ministries Team Co-Leader
LeeJohnsonMP Feb 23
Mr Chris Jones
Support Services
ChrisJones MP
Other Key Members  
The Revd Seidel Abel Boanerges
Moderator of Council
SeidelAbelBoanerges (002)
The Revd Andrew Cowley
Moderator of the BUGB Trustee Board
Andrew Cowley
The Revd Steve Finamore
Mr Mohan Pandian
Mohan MP
The Revd Lynn Green
General Secretary
LynnGreen (002) MP July 2020
Current Priority Areas
The Revd Sandra Crawford
Embrace Adventure in Mission
SandraCrawford MP June 2022
The Revd Tim Fergusson
Leadership Development
TimFergusson MP August 2020
The Revd Clare Hooper
Children, Youth and Families Round Table
ClareHooper (003)MP August 202
The Revd Andrew Ginn
Young Adults
AndrewGinn (002) MP
To be confirmed
Digital Revolution

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Mission. Marriage. End of year update
An update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team on 8 December 2022
Mission. Marriage
An update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team on 21 June 2022
Baptist Steering Group
Information about the role of each member of the Baptist Steering Group
Posted: 21/06/2022
Posted: 01/07/2021
Posted: 13/05/2020
Posted: 30/05/2019
Posted: 16/04/2019
Posted: 16/04/2019
Posted: 07/02/2019
Posted: 21/01/2019
Posted: 04/02/2018
Posted: 23/01/2018
Posted: 13/12/2017
Posted: 12/12/2017
Posted: 23/08/2016