Geoff Colmer

I have the privilege of serving as Regional Minister and Team Leader of the Central Baptist Association. In what sometimes seems like a previous life I was a professional musician, playing the bassoon in the English Northern Philharmonia, and music continues to play a large part in my life and ministry. Following my training at Spurgeon’s College I was Minister of Rye Baptist Church and then Melton Mowbray Baptist Church, before moving to my present role in 2004.
I have a depth of understanding and experience of Baptists Together in all its expressions: colleges, churches, associations, and the national resource, and have served on a large number of its groups. As an energetic advocate for women’s ministry, it is a pleasure to serve on the Gender Justice Group. I have extensive ecumenical experience that includes representing the Baptist World Alliance at the 2008 Lambeth Conference, and I’ve served on the European Baptist Federation Council.
My ministry is defined by being a pastor, not as something I do but as something I am. This became instilled in me at theological college and has grown through further training as a counsellor, in mediation, and also in understanding congregational systems. As a pastor with an evangelistic heart I am wholly and actively committed to ‘growing healthy churches in relationship for God’s mission.’
Deepening my own spiritual growth through the good times as well as the tough ones has been important throughout my ministry and I’ve drawn inspiration from other Christian traditions while being rooted in our own Baptist story.
One of my favourite verses of Scripture is, Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly’. John 10.10. I experience this abundant life in many ways, some mentioned above, but also in the gifts of my wife Cazz, our two sons, their wives, and our grandchildren; music and the arts; Italy and Italian food; and baking and cooking, all of which bring great joy!