Marjorie Allan

Marjorie was born and raised in Dublin in a Christian family, and came to her own faith aged 19 whilst studying for her BA in Modern Languages at Trinity College, Dublin. She became a disciple of Jesus through a Church of Ireland church plant which found itself at the centre of the 1994 charismatic holy spirit outpouring. In the 1990s she trained with and subsequently led Youth With a Mission Discipleship Training Schools for a number of years in Europe, and ran mission trips abroad. She also completed an MA in Interpreting & Translation at Bath University. Returning to Dublin she worked bi-vocationally as a linguist in an embassy and led a growing Young Adults ministry in a city centre church, including launching then leading their discipleship training school for three years.
On marrying she moved to Sheffield where in 2005 she and her husband Nick were invited jointly to lead a former house-church, King’s Centre, in Sheffield. They became part of the senior team for the following ten years of (now called) Network Church Sheffield. The church grew from 70 to 300+, seeing salvations, growth, families’ ministries, learning to be led by the power of the Spirit and a big season of healings and miracles.
From 2011-2015 Marjorie was joint-leader with Nick of St Thomas’ Philadelphia, Sheffield. As Nick went through the Baptist ordination process. Marjorie grew in her prophetic gifting and leadership & speaking skills in an internationally-known church, including speaking periodically at New Wine camps and Spring Harvest holidays. In 2015 a sabbatical led to a period of discernment alongside the Yorkshire Baptist Association Regional Ministers that Nick and Marjorie would plant a new Baptist Church in Sheffield centre. Since September 2015 The Well Sheffield has seen a period of acceleration and growth, particularly amongst young adults, the unchurched and de-churched, growing from its launch team of 70 to c.350-400 now. Marjorie is the minister, alongside her husband Nick.
Marjorie’s five-fold gifting is principally prophetic, which complements her nature as a pioneer with a missionary heart. She holds high value on people and prioritising the presence and voice of God, and reaching others in evangelism and mission. She enjoys reading, hill walking, keeping fit and time with their three children.