Baptist Steering Group - May 2019
'I rejoice greatly in the Lord’
The BSG met by Skype on this occasion as we continue to make the most of technology in helping us to connect together.
I began by sharing from Philippians 4:10-20 that even when we fear that resources may be scarce, we can trust that God knows what we need and be encouraged by the generosity of others.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
As part of our ‘Lightning Round’ where we briefly share the joys and difficulties we are facing in life and ministry, Beth Powney, Team Leader for the Eastern Association shared the wonderful
Mousehold Hub story, where following the closure of Silver Road Baptist Church in 2017, resurrection has come in the form of a new community hub led by Norwich Central Baptist Church. Stuart Davison, Team Leader for our South Eastern Association also shared that three very varied church plants are being planned. We rejoice greatly in the Lord!
On the back of all the buzz from our recent
Assembly in Telford, we shared together our initial feedback and identified what was important moving forward. Overall, we all felt that it was an excellent Assembly that was very positively received. The Network Zone and sessions were a particular success and we were delighted to see the energy, connection, inspiration and equipping that this format generated. As we had hoped, creating this vibrant space for our formal and informal networks to gather was a great representation of who we are as Baptists and highlighted the grassroots nature of our Baptist family. There was feedback that it would have been good to include input into environmental issues given this is such a key topic and we will build that in for next year. We also agreed that we needed to review our plans for future venues, in partnership with BMS World Mission, so that we can build on this year’s successes in future Assemblies. A Survey Monkey to gain feedback from all those who attended will be available shortly.
We are delighted to announce that Rev Tim Fergusson from Olton BC has been appointed as the Ministries Advisor - Ministry Development. Tim will continue to implement our Ignite report into the future of ministry. The role will also encompass many aspects of how we are reflecting on and moving forward in developing leaders and forming future ministers. Tim is due to start on 26 August.
We had a positive discussion about promoting the
Baptists Together Home Mission Fund with various strategies being shared and encouraged. One particular thing that emerged was that we needed to be clear about telling the whole story and demonstrating the effectiveness of the funding of frontline mission together with the vital role of those who enable mission across Baptists Together in all sorts of different ways.
We are delighted that
BMS World Mission have invited Baptists Together as a whole to contribute to their strategy development using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. I know that some of you will have also been part of this in other ways too. Thanks to the enthusiastic willingness of many, we have been able to draw together a wonderfully diverse group for this workshop.
After 4 days as
President, Ken Benjamin was able to come and share in staff coffee today with the Specialist Teams and then serve as Accompanier for BSG. Towards the end of our meeting he shared some perceptive reflections about our conversations through the lens of our culture values and also encouraged us from I Peter 2:9-10
After BSG I went to visit Stephen Keyworth. For those who were not at Assembly when I shared his message of thanks, here it is again:
Nearly 7 weeks ago I suffered a bleed on my brain whilst at work, in a Faith and Society team meeting. It was a life-threatening event, but thanks to a combination of Baptist House first aid, the air ambulance and 2 ambulance crews, I made it to the JR Oxford. Two rounds of brain surgery later, and after overcoming a severe infection, I started on the road recovery proper a few weeks ago. I’m now in the Nuffield following a regime of physio to help regain my strength.
The hospital are assuming that I could remain under their care until August, although I hope to escape before then. I recognise that I’m lucky to be alive, and to be able to send this message to you all today. The medics are amazed by my recovery so far even though it all seems a bit slow to me! I’d like to thank all of my praying friends and colleagues who have seen me through despite the odds, and give thanks for all of the support myself, Liz and the children have received.
With Stephen, we are so thankful to God, and are so appreciative of all the love, prayer and support that has been shared.
Lynn Green
May 2019
The Revd Lynn Green is General Secretary of our Baptist Union
Baptist Steering Group offers collaborative leadership through co-ordinating the effective development and implementation of the broad strategy discerned by Council.
The Accompanying Group to the Baptist Steering Group provides prayer support and shares in spiritual and missional reflection with them.
Please share these messages with your church