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Opinions/reflections - January - June 2018

Are we guilty of writing ourselves off?   
The role of Simeon and Anna in the Christmas story shows there is a place for old people in the purposes of God
‘Who do you think you are?’   
Reflections on identity, and life as a Baptist minister in training. By Molly Boot, undergraduate at Regent’s Park College
Donald, look before you tweet!  
What would Jesus say to Donald Trump, Theresa May and Mark Zuckerberg? And what might we learn from this?
Mindful worship - wider than any style
What does mindful worship look like? An organiser of the first ever National Mindfulness Day for Christians reflects
The quest for an undivided heart 
Do you want to explore more about who you are and who you are called to be? Lucy Mills introduces her second book
When life is beyond bearing   
What the book of Job reveals about the nature of God, human suffering and ultimately, happy endings
A better kind of intimacy   
Struggled for years in my addiction to porn, but I was ultimately set free through an encounter with Jesus
After the action, a time for reflection? 
Churches are increasingly defined by their social action. It's time our thinking caught up, argues a Baptist minister
What being a Christian means
A personal view of what being a Christian means, by Baptist pastor Nic Boyns - a reflection for people exploring their faith
Five things I wish I’d known
Chris Goswami shares five things he wished someone had explained to him when he became a Christian
Every Sunday is Mothering Sunday 
Thoughts on how your church can intentionally welcome mums of young children not just for one day, but all year round
The problem, quite simply, is men  
Feminism is disparaged. Equal pay doesn't exist. The change needs to come from each individual man
Individualism - making the connection
How an emphasis on individual reform at the heart of evangelical convictions blinds us to hardwired injustice
Jesus is sentenced to death
Jesus's trial shows the worst of the mob. But I want to go on believing in, and working at community
Giving up -  from Lenten to Easter
It is natural to look back at all we’ve “given up”. But it is more important to look up and see what has been given up for us
Anyone for Christian mindfulness? 
In our restless, noisy, troubled world, a quiet time is something we need, and something we harm ourselves by neglecting
Facebook … it’s all about YOU
Our data is their business – so should we continue using it? Chris Goswami reflects on the Facebook furore
Beyond the Dream? Enough is enough
Fifty years on from the death of Martin Luther King, a Baptist minister has a new dream for the Church
Understanding the meaning of the cross 
How do we understand the cross? Probably the short answer is we don’t - but here are several responses to help
MLK: his legacy to the church
Martin Luther King set a new standard for church-based social activism, writes Wale Hudson Roberts
In remembrance of her: #metoo   
Jesus asks us to tell his story... and her story - reflecting on the #metoo movement as we journey to the cross
Good news for the poor and marginalised
A reflection on how we share the gospel, and how it's heard. Can we do more justice to the vision proclaimed by Jesus?
The Dream – Hope for the Bullied  
A Baptist minister explains why he wrote a Christian novel for children about bullying – and his hopes for it
‘It’s the earth we all live in: we have to take care’
How do young people feel about caring for creation care? Students from Luckley House School share their thoughts
Build me up - don’t push me down! 
We all need encouragement from time to time - this is what it is (and isn't), writes a Baptist minister
The Windrush treachery 
Progress towards true equality has long been difficult, but the destruction of the Windrush landing cards is something else
More than a preacher… a pastor
A conviction that women should not have pastoral charge of a Baptist church is still held in some places today
What’s the point of theology?
All Christians have a theology, but what makes for a good one? Joshua T Searle introduces his new book
Helping children find a faith that lasts
Introducing a new title from Care for the Family to help parents feel confident about nurturing faith in our children
Reflection on Thy Kingdom Come
I'm fully behind Thy Kingdom Come - but what would happen if we really did see the Kingdom of God come?
Avoiding 'agreeing to disagree'  
It only leads to more pain in the long term - better to declare where you stand on the LGBT issue from the outset
DV? To plan, or not to plan
Should Christians plan ahead? A reflection on why we should - and some thoughts on how best to do it
Black Theology at the Royal Wedding 
The sermon also served as a reminder of some of the racial injustices that black people still face today
Reflections on 'that sermon' 
Bishop Michael Curry's sermon at the royal wedding on Saturday had everyone talking. What can preachers learn?
'Not for me' - critiquing Michael Curry's sermon
Jesus was preached and the crowd responded; and the religious were too busy critiquing the doctrine
Worshipping the same God?   
Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? Unpicking an idea to develop something more robust
Looking forward to our conference… 
Mary Taylor blogs ahead of the ‘Celebrating, Surviving and Thriving: Women in Baptist Ministry’ conference
To speak or not to speak? 
An awkward situation for every Christian: how to respond when someone uses offensive language?
The Safe Car Wash app: review   
Baptist minister Steve Tinning reviews a new app which aims to highlight exploitation at hand car washes
Recapturing joy in evangelism
How a story-telling approach, aware of secular mindsets, is more in keeping with how Jesus communicated 2000 years ago
How I Learned to Like the Apostle Paul   
Baptist minister Andy Goodliff on the teaching (and teacher) which helped him read Paul's letters with new eyes
God and Primordial People
How did God communicate with early humans? We know a little more – and this affects how we understand scripture
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