Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery now ranks as the second most profitable worldwide criminal enterprise after the illegal arms trade. There are an estimated 40.3 million people kept in modern slavery in the world today including
10 million children
24.9 million people in forced labour
15.4 million people in forced marriage
4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation
1 in 4 victims of Modern Slavery are children
The National Crime Agency estimates there are tens of thousands of victims of Modern Slavery within the UK. Previous estimates of 10,000-13,000 victims in the UK were found to be the 'tip of the iceberg'.
The UK’s Modern Slavery Act categorises Modern Slavery as offences of Slavery, Servitude and Forced or Compulsory Labour and Human Trafficking. In the UK forced labour ranks as the most common form of modern slavery with people enslaved in industries such as car washes, manufacturing, hospitality, agriculture and construction. Many women and girls and some men and boys are trafficked into sexual exploitation.
For many of our churches and communities the different forms of modern slavery are a new issue. There is a need to be able to spot the signs of modern slavery and know how to respond.
There are many organisations who fight against Modern Slavery. The following websites contain further information relating to Modern Slavery as well as videos, apps, posters, resources and opportunities for speakers to run workshops.
Baptists Together and Together Free hosted a Modern Slavery National Summit in June 2019.
Please click here to read the
Baptist World Alliance Resolution to Human Slavery and Trafficking
http://www.alliance87.org [accessed 23 March 2018]
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40885353 [accessed 07 April 2018]