Politics and Christian Faith
Does politics have a role in the Church or is it a distraction from our mission? Is politics about compromise - what is possible - when our Christian faith is about truth?
At a time when a lot of people say they are turned off by politics, many people in our churches are still concerned about what is going on in our world. What does politics mean for our faith - and what should our faith mean for our politics?
The Art of the Possible is a resource produced by the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church to help people to explore these questions.
Every year, the Free Churches delegation of representatives from the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church, Baptist Union of Great Britain, Salvation Army and Quakers attends the three major Party Conferences. Some MPs the delegation meet are Christian and happy to talk about the links between their faith and their politics. Others may not be Christian or may regard their faith as private, but value the opportunity to meet faith groups and discuss issues of shared concern.