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What characterises the New Anabaptists? 

Churches and communities with Anabaptist convictions are being planted in the UK - now a new book examines 12 common practices of these emerging communities. Author Stuart Murray introduces it 

The New AnabaptistsNew churches and communities with Anabaptist convictions and practices are being planted in the UK. Supported by the Anabaptist Mennonite Network, the Incarnate project is encouraging pioneers to establish fresh expressions of the gospel in different contexts and neighbourhoods.

It is early days, but we hope what is planted will offer opportunities to test out the relevance of Anabaptism to mission in our post-Christendom society.

This new book explores 12 ‘common practices’ that might characterise these emerging communities.

In 2010, The Naked Anabaptist was published. this was the fruit of conversations with many others about how the Anabaptist vision is inspiring and challenging followers of Jesus today. It expounded the seven ‘core convictions’ that comprise the centre of gravity of the Anabaptist movement in the UK. It sold very well, was translated into several other languages and a revised edition was published in 2020.

The New Anabaptists - Practices for Emerging Communities is a sequel. It examines the kinds of practices that flow from the core convictions and are likely to feature in churches, communities and initiatives that are inspired by the Anabaptist vision.

These practices include Jesus-centred biblical interpretation, peace witness, truth telling, multi-voiced worship and much else.

The book reflects on the significance of these practices in a post-Christendom and post-colonial environment.

The book includes three chapters by Stuart’s colleagues who reflect on initiatives they are involved in, all of which have been inspired by the Anabaptist vision.

  • Juliet Kilpin introduces Peaceful Borders, working with refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Karen Sethuraman introduces SoulSpace Belfast, an emerging peace and reconciliation community.
  • Alexandra Ellish introduces the Incarnate project.

The New Anabaptists authors

The book is an invitation to a conversation. It's a resource for emerging Anabaptist-oriented communities, and an exploration of how the Anabaptist vision might be embodied in missional communities in 21st-century Britain. 

Dr Stuart Murray Williams is founding director of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies at Bristol Baptist College



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