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A jar full of experience  

Lindsay Wright brings her background in children and youth work to create bespoke CYF materials 

LindsayWright Freelancer

Sat on a shelf in my kitchen is a memory jar filled with pieces of paper. It hasn’t been opened in a long time, but it doesn’t need to be, I know what’s written on every single one. When I finished working for a church as their youth worker a few years ago I was gifted this jar by the young people themselves, and on those pieces of paper were their favourite memories of their time with me. They’d remembered Bible lessons from when I first started leading, and activities we hadn’t done in months!

What struck me was the sheer amount of Bible lessons they had learnt through the activities I’d set up, because what we did during those sessions had made the Bible accessible for them. That is at the heart of all the resources I write.

I’m Lindsay Wright, a freelance writer and designer based in Lancashire. Originally a trained children’s and youth worker, starting off at Altrincham Baptist Church, I have since gone on to work for a number of churches, two Dioceses with the Church of England, and write for several publications including ROOTS and Premier NexGen.

I can write and design many things, but my specialism is in creating bespoke resources for children and youth workers, working with organisations and individuals to create material that allows them to serve their community well.

These can range from full holiday clubs, to simple one page activity sheets for children and their families to complete together at home. One of my biggest passions is caring for the environment, and I have worked alongside churches to help establish Forest Churches and have written, designed and created multiple resources to inspire and instil confidence in those wishing to begin their Forest Church journey.

“We love how engaging Lindsay's materials are and the language she uses is always accessible and age appropriate. Lindsay’s writing style is distinctive and yet adaptable. She regularly surprises us by coming up with something fantastically imaginative and creative.” Sarah Earnshaw, the Children’s Adviser for Blackburn Diocese.

My favourite stage of creating these bespoke resources is when I’m developing ideas. I devote hours of research into each theme and topic to come up with the best activities and structure, and where possible creating fresh ideas and new ways of exploring those Bible themes. 

gotyourticketfrontcoverMy two latest resources have both been summer specials, one for ROOTS and the other for Blackburn Diocese. The ROOTS resource, called ‘The Big Summer Bucket List’, explores God’s big story ticking off essential summer activities, from BBQs to sports.

‘Got Your Ticket’, the resource for Blackburn Diocese, provides an opportunity for children to learn more about Christians from across the globe, jet setting their way from country to country completing sightseeing inspired activities.

It thrills me to know that children across the country have been taking part in what I’ve written, and that children’s workers stepped into the summer not only feeling inspired but filled with confidence in their ministry.

When not running my freelance business I can be found at home looking after my two children, aged 10 and 7, spending time outdoors, and making things. There is always a craft project or two going on in my house at any given time!


If you’re looking for a Bible based resources which will help your children and young people create memories they could pop into their own special jar, then I would love to meet up, whether that’s face to face or over a video call, and we can explore what we could create together.

You can find out even more about me, contact me and see more about the work I do over on my website www.lwcreative.co.uk

Baptist Times, 31/08/2023
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