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Praying for your local schools  

September is a great time to focus our prayers on schools and to pray for children, young people and all those who work in them, writes Jane Newey. Here are some ideas and resources

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'Knowing Christians are praying for me and my school is like having a safety blanket wrapped around you.'

These are the words of a teenager, grateful the local church was regularly praying for her and her classmates.

September is a great time to focus our prayers on schools and to pray for children, young people and all those who work in schools. It is such a challenging time at the moment with mental health issues on the increase. Here at Pray for Schools we suggest holding a service on one of the Sundays in September and commissioning and praying for everyone as they head Back to School.

Details of some suggested resources 

SU Scotland (Scripture Union Scotland) has produced some excellent resources to mark this milestone and to remind everyone that they go Back to School with God. 

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This year the theme is God's Golden Rules, exploring Luke 10:25-37. The resources explore what it means to love God and love our neighbour through looking at the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The teaching is applicable to all ages, but with a special focus on living for Jesus in school and what that might look like. Supporting resources include PPT slides, a video Bible story, Prayers, Children's Games, Crafts and Activities. 

11 September is Education Sunday and many churches set aside this Sunday to pray for children, young people, teachers, as they return to school! The theme for this year is ‘You are not lost!’ based on Luke 15.1-10: the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. Churches Together in England (CTE) rightly describes teaching and studying as “demanding and privileged callings” and Education Sunday gives us the opportunity to give thanks to God for all who teach and all who study, for all who continually have to find the right words and deliver them with enthusiasm and graciousness.  
Pray for Schools encourages Christians to pray for their local schools throughout the school year. Many prayer groups gather together and also individuals pray regularly for their local school. We have produced a leaflet called “10 ways to pray” to get you started.

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'She became burdened for the students'

Once in a while, I reflect on the inspiring example of Dorothea Clapp who was born in 1900. Field Partner International tells her story: 'Dorothea Clapp was from a town in New Jersey, USA. She lived near a busy high school and became burdened for the students she would watch entering and leaving the school.

'In time she was especially burdened for one of the most difficult boys. She prayed for the school and specifically for some of the students (for 18 years). Eventually the difficult boy came to Christ. She prayed on for him and in small ways mentored him.

'He began to share Jesus in the school. Over 125 of the students came to Christ as a result! That was a great reward for her prayers.

'But there was more. The 'difficult' boy, now a believer, then began to make trips into Mexico with a group of friends. Many years later, as his vision has grown, there are thousands of full-time missionaries in 11 Asian nations.

'The boy is George Verwer, the movement he founded is Operation Mobilisation.'

Psalm 145: 18-19 reminds us that
 The Lord is close to everyone who prays to Him,
    to all who truly pray to Him.
 He gives those who fear Him what they want.
    He listens when they cry, and He saves them.

We hope that you will consider holding a Back to School with God Service or one on Education Sunday. Do get in touch and let us know how you get on.

We have a database listing school in England and Wales that are prayed for. Why not check your local area? Schools are doing such an important job and need all the prayer support they can get - who knows who you might be praying for?

Jane Newey is the Pray for Schools England co-ordinator. Visit prayforschools.org for more

Contact england@prayforschools.org

For Wales contact Andy Hughes 


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