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Christmas preparations 

Baptist Insurance has come up with some top tips to help ensure your church is prepared for all the extra visitors during the festive season. Before the increased footfall, some general housekeeping at your church will help festivities to run smoothly. 

Christmas decorations

Festivities calendar
Stay on top of your plans by compiling a calendar of events. This will help with the planning of your festive services and activities.  
Safety and escape procedure
Ensure your plans are up-to-date. Make sure stewards are aware of the plan, including escape routes.  
Fire risk assessment
With extra lights and candles, it is important to revisit your fire risk assessment procedures. Baptist Insurance guidance notes offer helpful advice on managing fire safety. 
Christmas lights
Thoroughly inspect lights for any defects and ensure power leads and cables do not pose a trip hazard. Learn more from this guide to electrical wiring.
Christmas trees
If your church has a tree, ensure it is secure so it won’t fall over and cause any damage or injury. When choosing a location for the tree, check it doesn’t impede the church’s exit routes.  
Health and safety risk assessments
With all the extra visitors at Christmas, it is wise to update your church buildings risk assessments. Keep a record of what you have found and any steps taken to reduce any potential risks.

Want to know more?
Baptist Insurance wants to provide you with the help and advice that you need to continue to protect your church and its community. 

For additional guidance or information on church and home insurance, please visit the website or call one of the team on 0345 070 2223.


Baptist Times, 06/12/2021
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