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Reduce the risk of an arson attack on your church 

The latest article from Baptist Insurance highlights the risk of an arson attack - and how to prevent it 


It is important for churches to take precautions to deter arsonists, and to have procedures in place so you can respond quickly in the event a fire takes hold. Even small fires can cause serious smoke damage and the consequences of a serious blaze can cause major problems and disruption.
You can use our arson checklist as a guide to reviewing your existing arrangements.
Good housekeeping
By taking simple steps to improve the security of church property you can significantly reduce the risk of arson at little or no cost. Examples include:

  • Try not to accumulate rubbish and combustible waste in or around the church buildings.
  • Petrol and other sources of ignition should be locked away.
  • Boiler houses should be locked with no combustible waste stored in or around them.
  • Make sure your church is locked overnight.
  • Test your fire extinguishers annually and make sure employees and volunteers are trained in how to use them. 

Additional security measures
If you are concerned about arson at your church there are additional security measures you can install that will act as a deterrent.
Shine a light on areas which are concealed using security lighting. If criminals know they can be seen, they are less likely to attack.

CCTV cameras can help to catch people in the act but also act as a visual deterrent.

Enlist the support of the local community. Start up or join a neighbourhood watch, the more eyes looking for suspicious activity, the better your chances of preventing antisocial behaviour that could lead to arson. 

Baptist Insurance have developed a simple, easy to follow checklist to help you review the arson risk and guide you through practical steps to reduce the risk to your church or church hall.

Want to know more?

Baptist Insurance wants to provide you with the help and advice that you need to continue to protect your church and its community. For additional guidance or information on church and home insurance, please visit the website or call one of the team on 0345 070 2223.

Baptist Times, 14/07/2021
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