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Your handy Risk Calendar 

The latest feature from Baptist Insurance has an autumnal focus 

bad-weather Bins

As we head into the autumn and beyond, it is time to check your premises for slip and trip hazards, check water pipes are insulated and any boilers are serviced.

Baptist Insurance has produced a handy Risk Calendar to help you plan when to take action to deal with specific issues before they occur. You can download a copy from www.baptist-insurance.co.uk/risk-calendar.

And also check out the useful risk management links on its website where there is lots more information. Of course, if you need more detailed help and advice, call the risk helpline on 0345 600 7531 (open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday except bank holidays). Alternatively, you can email risk.advice@baptist-ins.com.

Latest issue of Expressions

The latest issue of Baptist Insurance Expressions Newsletter is now available and takes an autumnal focus to welcome in the new season. It is packed full of tips and information including:

  • Fundraising support during COVID-19 and beyond

While everyday life is disrupted with churches not running as usual, fundraising is becoming ever more important. Baptist Insurance wants to offer practical support and guidance to help you during this uniquely challenging time.

  • Helping the helpers

In these difficult economic times, Baptist Insurance understands the importance of community support. Its experts have put together some simple tips and steps you can take to make sure you are keeping everyone safe when running a night shelter or foodbank.

  • Baptist Insurance Grants

Baptist Insurance continues to help the Baptist community through its grant-giving scheme. Read about how the scheme has helped the evangelistic campaign The Turning in its project to create an App supporting disciple-making across Europe.

  • Risk Surveyors

One thing that the pandemic has shown all of us is that community is so important. That’s why Baptist Insurance would like to help you get to know its team and the resources behind your cover. This latest edition focuses on Dave Stevenson. He’s one of our Risk Surveyors, and helps make our insurance as effective and tailored to every church as it can be.

Simply click here to download your copy of Expressions today.

Want to know more?

Baptist Insurance wants to provide you with the help and advice that you need to continue to protect your church and its community. For more information and guidance, please visit the Baptist Insurance website. 


Baptist Times, 09/10/2020
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