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Most read features/interviews in 2019 

The five most read features and interviews in The Baptist Times in 2019


Most read features

1 The silent epidemic of loneliness
Loneliness and social isolation is an increasingly significant issue in communities. The church can be a key part of the answer

2 Wrestling with Old Testament violence
An interview with Baptist minister Helen Paynter, whose new book continues her exploration of how we respond to the violence in the Old Testament

3 Baptists Together: who we are, why we exist, and our four key areas of shared work  
By General Secretary Lynn Green 

4 Gen Z: what can the Victorians teach us?
Young people are open to spiritual conversations. Let's step outside our comfort zones to have them

5 Ten suggestions for your summer reads
In picking 10 possible summer reads, I gave myself one condition: they all needed to be authored by women



Baptist Times, 19/12/2019
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Elizabeth Fry and prison reform 
Few people understand the deeply Christian motivations that inspired this courageous, pioneering prison reformer who has graced our £5 notes, writes Mark Roques
Unlocking funding to “green” your church’s mission 
The latest fundraising article from Baptist Insurance, written in collaboration with the Philanthropy Company, explores the different types of funding available for sustainability projects and reducing your environmental impact
'The magic of pilgrimage is that it has something to offer everyone' 
David Gleed introduces Journeying, an ecumenical organisation which plans an annual programme of pilgrim-journeys
General Election resources for churches 
What might your church do to engage in the lead up to this critical moment for the UK and the communities you serve? The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has recently launched three major resources for churches to consider
Seedbed – growing your ability to start new churches 
Could you start a new Christian community or church – in the way it is needed, where it is needed, and just as it is needed? Seedbed thinks you can … Alex Harris explains more
Serving your community through lunches
With one third of children in the UK growing up in poverty and many families struggling with loneliness, isolation, and mental health challenges, TLG Make Lunch provides a tool that enables churches to offer practical help and build relationships
     The Baptist Times 
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