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Advice from Baptist Insurance outlining changes to their Terrorism and Legal Expenses Cover 

Baptist Insurance legal

Protecting your church in the event of terrorist activity

In recent years, the focus of terrorist activity has shifted from damaging properties, to indiscriminate attacks aimed at disruption through loss of life, as seen in the attacks at the Manchester Arena, Westminster, London Bridge and Borough Market. This change can mean that the major cost of terrorist acts is likely to come from business interruption rather than property damage.
Until recently, Pool Re, the scheme that enables insurers to provide cover against acts of terror, only provided cover where property damage occurred, but changes to the scheme mean that cover against just business interruption can also now be offered.
As a result, we can now offer our customers two variations of cover:

  • Class A – Cover for any damage to property and any subsequent business interruption as a result of a terrorist event.

  • Class B – Cover for business interruption as a result of a terrorist event that does not involve physical damage to property. We can offer any customer who takes out Class A cover, the option of also taking out Class B cover. To find out more about the cover available please call the Baptist Insurance team on 0345 070 2223.


Improvements to your legal expenses cover

Employment related disputes are one of the most common, and often most costly, claims made under a legal expenses policy. To provide you with additional support in handling these employment related disputes we have recently improved the cover available for legal expenses under your church policy.
The recent change is to the ‘reasonable prospects of success’ condition for civil claims in your legal expenses cover. Currently a solicitor must believe that there is more than a 51 per cent chance that your defence will be successful, and if this changes at any point during the claim then the cover you have will end for that claim.
From your next renewal this condition will no longer be required, and so for any valid claim you make for a dispute with an employee or former employee, we will continue to provide legal support until the conclusion of the dispute regardless of whether the case looks to be in your favour or not.

This change will be made automatically on your next renewal for all church policies, and may be available for other policies you hold with us.
To find out more about this cover, please call our team on 0345 070 2223.

Remember! Legal advice helplines are included within your insurance policy for legal advice on a range of matters, including employment issues such as redundancy. Visit www.baptist-insurance.co.uk/legalexpenses



Baptist Times, 28/08/2019
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