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Getting ready to fly: meet the BMS Action Teams

One month ago, BMS asked you to pray for its gap year volunteers – the Action Teams. As they prepare to fly overseas this week, BMS thought it was time to introduce you to them properly – and to ask you to pray some more!

You’ll find them under bundles of freshly washed clothes, frantically trying to squeeze a bottle or two of mosquito repellent into their suitcases and wondering if one pair of flip flops really is enough. That’s right, their month of training is over and the 31 BMS World Mission Action Teamers are getting set to fly to their mission locations early this week.
If you’ve ever embarked on a six-month adventure in another part of the world, you will know that the final days before flying can be a mess of emotions – a mixture of excitement, anxiety, anticipation and desperately sitting on top of suitcases trying to prove that the zip will close. So, as they do all their last-minute preparations and say goodbye to family and friends, please be praying for our Action Teams.
But, how rude of us, we still haven’t introduced them!

Team Zimbabwe

Meet Megan, Olly, Maisie and Tom. Team Zimbabwe is flying out on Monday (10 October) and will be living and working at an agricultural training centre – getting involved in lots of manual work as well as helping marginalised people through a range of ministries.
Their team mission statement: United in our passion to serve, grow and be joyful in our actions and attitude.


Team Kolkata

Introducing Becca, Toby, Carys and Reuben. Flying out to Kolkata in India on Tuesday (11 October), the team will spend their gap year serving in a number of social action projects, including mobile schools for the city’s street children and employment projects for women trapped in the red light district.
Their team mission statement: Showing God’s love through our actions to help those in need whilst developing our faith as well as each trying to figure out the Big Man’s plan for our futures.

Team Thailand

Say hello to Matt, Jenn, Annie and Ollie. They’re jetting off on Monday (10 October) to live and work alongside young people from rural villages. They’ll also spend time working at a home for children with disabilities in the city of Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand.
Their team mission statement: Our aim is to share Jesus and see lives transformed, to serve others and God wholeheartedly so as we decrease he may increase.

Team Nepal

Next up are the Team Nepal ladies, Jenny, Kali, Sarah and Rachel. They’re heading to the country’s capital Kathmandu next Thursday (13 October) to help with an education programme for children and young adults with disabilities, as well as a women’s empowerment project. They’ll also get stuck in with a local church.
Their team mission statement: We aim to prayerfully follow where God leads us, serving willingly to touch lives and share Jesus, as well as growing deeper in our own faith.

Team Italy

Introducing Jess, Sarah, Finlay and Laura. Team Italy will be based in the southern city of Reggio Calabria and are travelling on Monday (10 October). They’ll be working with the local church, leading Sunday school sessions, running youth clubs, teaching English and helping with a food distribution programme.
Their team mission statement: Striving to support each other and to serve God in his ministry. To walk with the people of Reggio Calabria, building relationships through his love.

Team Delhi

Meet Kirsty, Grace, Helen and Sara. Flying out to Delhi, India, on Monday (10 October) the girls will be helping in a local school, engaging in women’s empowerment projects and playing their part in the local church.
Their team mission statement: By stepping out of our comfort zones in a new culture we aim to have fun whilst glorifying God in the everyday things. To grasp every opportunity and to develop our faith in God, returning with a new perspective.

Team Uganda

Say hello to Isaac, Sophie, Stefano and Amy. On Monday (10 October) the Uganda Action Team will fly out to begin their work in Gulu, in the north of the country. They’ll be serving at a juvenile detention centre, leading Bible studies, teaching literacy and running music sessions. They will also be working with a local church and an education project.
Their team mission statement: Showing the love of Christ through any and every activity, and always taking initiative to make the most of our time.

Team Kosovo

Raphael, Eloise and Jeffrey make up Team Kosovo. We can’t show you their faces, but they would also love your prayers as they fly out to Kosovo on Wednesday (12 October). They will be working with a small local charity, doing everything from DIY and maintenance to teaching English and running craft clubs.

Please pray too for the Action Wales Team. Aled, Cameron and Brandon are going to be working with two churches in Llanelli, South Wales, for six months, on a gap year programme co-run by the Baptist Union of Wales and BMS. Y


Could a young person in your church benefit from a life-changing adventure with God overseas? Applications for the 2017/18 Action Team programme are now open! BMS would love to hear from anyone interested in our Christian gap year.
Find out more about Action Teams today.

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission. 

BMS World Mission, 11/10/2016
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