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Most popular features in The Baptist Times 

The six most read feature articles each year 


  1. Four ways Baptists need to transition We need a mind-set, demographic, leadership and relational transition, writes General Secretary Lynn Green

  2. Greenbelt: a glimpse of heaven? First-time festival goer Sarah Stone experiences Greenbelt's rich variety and radical inclusion... and the united quest to make the world a better place 

  3. 'God enters our suffering with us' Interview with Stuart Hazeldine, director of The Shack, which opened in UK cinemas 9 June

  4. Giving God your loving attention How to go about rediscovering contemplative prayer

  5. A national mindfulness day for Christians The first ever national mindfulness day for Christians takes place next year – and one of the organisers is Baptist minister Shaun Lambert, who explains more 

  6. The lost sermons of CH Spurgeon  Few preachers are as frequently cited, quoted or tweeted as Charles Haddon Spurgeon. The 'Prince of Preachers' left a formidable body of writing which continues to be mined the world over. Now a brand new multi-volume, remarkable in both its scope and back story, is set to add to his legacy



  1. Equipping the Church to share the gospel More than half of non-Christians who know a Christian have never had a conversation with them about Jesus: let’s change that together, writes Gavin Calver

  2. Baptists and life in covenant Responding to God resulted in relationships of mutual trust for the persecuted early Baptists – and has shaped how we’ve walked since. By Paul Fiddes

  3. Reimagining church membership As pioneering expressions of churches develop, we need to find new ways of belonging, writes Simon Goddard

  4. Clergy children - hidden in plain sight? What impact does parental church-based ministry have on clergy children? A Baptist minister is studying this under-researched area

  5. Brexit and climate change John Weaver, a former Baptist Union President, assesses what impact Brexit, and a new Prime Minister, may have on the climate change agenda

  6. Six ways your church can support students It's exam season - Ruth Clemence offers practical tips to help ease the tension at this challenging time


  1. A fair price for fashion A deadly factory collapse in Bangladesh shocked a member of Headington Baptist Church so much he decided to take radical action

  2. Casting the net wide for Jesus With two billion users worldwide the internet offers huge scope for reaching people who don’t know Jesus. And the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is at the forefront of making the Gospel message as accessible as possible

  3. Some words for another time For anyone who’s struggled to know what to say to someone who’s lost a loved one, a booklet by a Baptist minister aims to provide the right words at the right time

  4. Hope for the UK's homeless With private rents soaring and a national housing shortage, homelessness is on the increase. More than 81,000 households* were found to be homeless in England last year. What more can churches do to meet the needs of such a vulnerable section of society? Ed Walker, Baptist church member and founder of charity Hope into Action, has an innovative way

  5. Parish Nursing: walking with people in crisis An overstretched NHS can’t always offer the personal, holistic care many people crave – but a parish Nurse can, providing an essential connection between church and community as the first UK book documenting this important ministry shows

  6. Credit Unions and Christians Why we should use them: an interview with Baptist minister Chris Lewis, a director of the Swansea Bay Fair Credit Campaign

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Elizabeth Fry and prison reform 
Few people understand the deeply Christian motivations that inspired this courageous, pioneering prison reformer who has graced our £5 notes, writes Mark Roques
Unlocking funding to “green” your church’s mission 
The latest fundraising article from Baptist Insurance, written in collaboration with the Philanthropy Company, explores the different types of funding available for sustainability projects and reducing your environmental impact
'The magic of pilgrimage is that it has something to offer everyone' 
David Gleed introduces Journeying, an ecumenical organisation which plans an annual programme of pilgrim-journeys
General Election resources for churches 
What might your church do to engage in the lead up to this critical moment for the UK and the communities you serve? The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has recently launched three major resources for churches to consider
Seedbed – growing your ability to start new churches 
Could you start a new Christian community or church – in the way it is needed, where it is needed, and just as it is needed? Seedbed thinks you can … Alex Harris explains more
Serving your community through lunches
With one third of children in the UK growing up in poverty and many families struggling with loneliness, isolation, and mental health challenges, TLG Make Lunch provides a tool that enables churches to offer practical help and build relationships
     The Baptist Times 
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