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Baptist Assembly 2016 

What happened at the 2016 Baptist Assembly in Oxford? Reports, photos and reactions 



The Baptist Assembly opening celebration 

From one President, to another 
Induction of new President Rupert Lazar; words from his predecessor Jenni Entrican

'Anointed to do good' 
New President Rupert Lazar expanded on his presidential theme “Anointed to do good”

Baptists Together - Inspiring One Another
Key messages from our Union were shared at the AGM

'God inspires us so we can inspire others'
The faith lessons learnt by Baptists in Communist-era Bulgaria were shared in the main address by Dimitrina Oprenova

Ideas exchange - lunchtime soapboxes 

‘One Million Lives Transformed’ 
The BMS World Mission keynote session 

'I will shake all nations' 
How Baptists are responding to the refugee crisis

Commitment to refugee/asylum actions

Recognition: the closing celebration 
Ministers, preachers and mission personnel were welcomed and commissioned

Children at the Baptist Assembly

For young people, led by young people - the youth programme


Prayers of Intercession prepared by Wale Hudson-Roberts and led during the refugee session. Based on the Lord's Prayer.

Baptists Together declaration - based on our vision and culture

The commitment to refugees/asylum seekers


A selection of photos can be found on our Flickr album

Social media

The Baptist Assembly on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/baptistassemblyUK
The Baptist Assembly on Twitter: https://twitter.com/baptistassembly
Assembly 2016 on #bap16



I would go 400 miles and I would go 400 more... ? (#bap16) - Catriona Gorton
Flames of Prayer - Catriona Gorton
Baptist Assembly 2016 - Neil Brighton 


Assembly song list


Baptist Times, 16/05/2016
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Elizabeth Fry and prison reform 
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Unlocking funding to “green” your church’s mission 
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'The magic of pilgrimage is that it has something to offer everyone' 
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Seedbed – growing your ability to start new churches 
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Serving your community through lunches
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     The Baptist Times 
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