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BMS Prayer Guide extra: Albania special

Pray for our work in Albania by watching this helpful video from the BMS World Mission team in Tirana


BMS prayer warriors – have we got a treat for you!

This coming week (14-20 February), the focus of the BMS Prayer Guide is Albania. As well as the prayer points in the UK’s best prayer publication*, we have a wealth of extra prayer requests direct from BMS workers and volunteers in Albania in this exclusive video.
Shot on location at the cutting edge of mission, where the sound quality can sometimes be an issue, almost all of our Albania-based workers appear on this film, including the Albania Action Team and even the children of the Gregory and Dupree families. Play, pause and pray for each of the team as they present their requests, and know that you are playing your part in transforming lives in this central European country.

Albania prayer requests from BMS World Mission on Vimeo.

Below, to help you pray, is a summary of their requests:   
Roger Pearce – Director of GDQ School

Pray for:
• Nikki and Roger’s son James in his second year at university, as he looks for an internship
• their daughter Beth, as she considers her options after graduating from GDQ this June
• recruitment for new teachers at GDQ
Jill Morrow – teacher at GDQ School

Pray for:
• the pupils and their families who have had to leave GDQ and Albania, that they will settle back into their home countries
Janet Derby – teacher at GDQ School

Pray that:
• Janet will get through all of the syllabus
• she will be a good role model for all of the pupils
Andrew Jones – pastor on ministerial sabbatical until April, working with the Albanian Baptist Union

Pray for:
• Andrew’s work with Albanian Baptists as they explore together what it means to partner in the gospel
Jane Waites – teacher at GDQ School

Pray for:
• ‘good closure’ as Jane finishes her final year at GDQ
• God’s guidance for her future plans
Mat, Suzanne, Seth and Esther Gregory – working with marginalised communities in the Tirana area.

Pray for:
• the Roma community during the bleak winter months
• their family and friends and thank God for them
• their local church (Light of the World Church) and the community programmes it is running to reach out to people around them
• Seth at school
Albania Action Team – Rachel Pearson, Emily Digby, Meghann Phillips and Jodie Gunn (below)

Pray for:
• more meaningful and close relationships with Albanian people
• the churches they are a part of in Albania, that they will continue to be a blessing to the community
• them to grow closer as a team
• their home churches and the churches preparing to welcome them on the BMS Action Team tour
Annie, Dan, Charis, Isaac and Amaya Dupree – Dan is working with the Albanian Baptist Union and with Annie on projects with vulnerable people groups.

Dan Dupree
Pray for:
• Tek Ura, the new NGO the Duprees have started with the Gregorys and the Albanian Baptist Union to help marginalised communities including the Roma people
• the Roma families affected by flooding close to their homes and how Tek Ura/BMS respond to their needs
• Roma families who recently received shoe boxes
• Isaac’s best friend, that he will come to know Jesus
• Amaya’s friend Alexandra
*according to its editor

Receive the BMS Prayer Guide every quarter by subscribing to Engage.


This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission.

BMS World Mission, 19/02/2016
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