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Faith, fun, flavours and challenges: the Action Teams depart

India, Nepal and Italy are just a few of the places where this year’s BMS Action Teams are heading this October. We caught up with a few of these excited and nervous team members before they left for their mission adventures.

BMS Action Teams 2014
The Mozambique team, made up of Ben Jowett, Rachel McVicar, Rebecca Tincello and Steven Walsh, will be living in the Kadesh Orphanage where they will be doing youth work with boys aged six to sixteen. The team anticipates that among their many duties they will be playing a lot of sport. They are looking forward to the connections they will make and the lives they may touch. “We are building relationships with them,” says Rachel. “It’s about them and God.” Though they are excited to head overseas, this team will miss the English weather.  

The Kolkata team, comprised of Christina Howell, Leah Ninsiima and Matthew Cant, will be working with the Good News Children’s Education Mission, Freeset and more. They’re excited about exploring and experiencing Kolkata but feel that the social differences between the UK and India will be shocking. “Seeing so much poverty will be quite challenging on my faith and my life in general,” says Matthew. “Having never been anywhere like that, I’ve never seen poverty on that scale.” Though their faith will be challenged and the thought of having curry every day sounds worrying, Matthew and the rest are looking forward to experiencing life in this bustling city.

Heading to the Caribbean are Jessica Fair, Judith Mattock, Lydia Wooding and Zoë James. This is the first team to go to Jamaica and they will be volunteering with children and youth, and serving in welfare and social outreach projects. “Our biblical knowledge will be tested,” says Judith. “It’s quite exciting and I think we’ll grow in it instead of being challenged by it. It’ll be interesting.” Though the Jamaica Action Team, like all of the others, will miss their families, they are looking forward to spending some time on Jamaica’s beautiful beaches and the enjoying the tropical cuisine.

The Thailand Action Team members, Jamiko Yapp, Kathy Green, Nicola Shaw and Richard Fuller, all love children and are looking forward to laughing, playing and working with the many they will meet in places like Hope Home and Grace Home. They will also spend some time with NightLight, working with women who have escaped from prostitution, and will experience living as a faith minority. “In Jamaica, Christianity is a very dominant religion and way of life,” says Jamiko, “but in Thailand it’s Buddhism. I want to see what it is like to be in a minority religion.” They are also thrilled by the prospect of having real Thai food.

The Action Teams will be spreading across three continents, serving in seven countries and working in several different fields. They will try new foods, meet different people, worship in another language and see poverty in a way they have never experienced before. These next six months will be full of challenges, but they are ready to meet them head on. “This is a wonderful thing that BMS does,” says Jamiko, “giving young people the opportunity to go out and to show God’s love to the world. Kudos to BMS.”

Please pray for the BMS Action Teams as they begin their time overseas. Pray that they are challenged mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and that they will grow through the difficult situations they face and support each other. Pray that each team has a safe journey and an amazing year.

Does this sound like something you would want to do? If you are 18 – 23, here is some more information about the BMS Action Teams and a few good reasons this gap-year might be just what you’re looking for.

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission



BMS World Mission, 10/10/2014
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