Moving on in ministry
For ministers, making the decision to move on from one ministry setting to another can be daunting. The possibility of transition raises questions about the direction of God’s calling alongside concerns about practical matters to do with housing and family. For churches seeking to call a new minister, there is a parallel concern to make a good decision as ministers exercise considerable influence over the life of a church. If you are a minister considering a move, or a church looking for a new minister, the first person you should contact is your Regional Minister. They will explore your thinking with you and help you through the settlement process.
A number of churches or other ministry settings recruit new ministers by advertising, usually in the Christian media. Almost all chaplaincy posts are filled in this way. But it is more common for ministers who are accredited or nationally recognised to offer themselves to the churches through our settlement process. The Baptists Together Settlement Process (BTSP) enables churches to post their vacancies on a Pastoral Vacancy List (PVL). Ministers will then approach directly those churches listed, having determined for themselves which churches they wish to send their ministerial profile to. Their profiles must have first been agreed with their Regional Minister.
The PVL is available on a password protected section of this website. All active accredited ministers and ministerial students have received personal login details. The PVL lists those churches that are seeking accredited ministers to serve as a pastor, evangelist, children’s, youth and families' worker, or as a pioneering project leader.
For more information about the BTSP process, please see the following resources:
The flowchart links below are a simplified version of the process for Ministers and churches.
You may also find the following resources helpful:
Churches preparing for the departure of a minister can read When a minister leaves; guidance for pastoral vacancy.
The latest version of the BUGB recommended Terms of Appointment are available to download for full-time and part-time appointments. There is also a Ministerial Remuneration Guidance document and a Ministerial Remuneration Spreadsheet for churches thinking of the costs of appointing a minister.
Guidelines for churches and ministers regarding manses and accommodation may also be downloaded.
If you have any questions about moving on in ministry or about finding a minister, please contact your Regional Minister.