Supporting Ministers-in-Training
This page tells you how you can support our ministers-in-training.
We work hard to ensure all those we accredit as Baptist ministers are well-prepared during their training, or ‘ministerial formation.’ We want them to be confident and capable in handling the Bible, thinking theologically, and furthering God’s mission and kingdom in contemporary society. We also aim to develop in them Christ-like character and behaviour. But this preparation takes time. The majority of our ministers spend three years in a Baptist college, often alongside their ministry or mission in a church or other training placement. We have no central funding for ministers-in-training. Most finance their college years in a variety of ways. Some are paid a half stipend for their work in a placement church. Some train part-time alongside paid employment. Some receive student loans to pay college fees.
But many look to the generosity of individual supporters. Are you able to help them? Baptists Together has entered a partnership with Stewardship which means that if you are a UK tax payer, any donation you make to an individual minister-in-training can be gift-aided. This will provide them with an extra £2 for every £10 you give.
You can find out more about our individual ministers-in-training and their sense of calling by searching for them below. If you would like to give to them, please click on their photo or name. This will link you to their Stewardship profile page where you can find instructions about how to give to them.
Thank you for all the support you give to our ministers-in-training, whether in finance, prayer, opportunities for learning, or encouragement!
If you are a minister-in-training yourself and want to know more about the ways in which you can fund your training, please see our leaflet Funding Ministerial Formation.
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