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Say Goodbye to Anxiety by Elle Limbear and Jane Kirby

Sets out a pattern for dealing with our anxiety spiritually through our walking with Christ, and methodically by keeping to the practice of journaling


Say Goodbye to Anxiety by ElleSay Goodbye to Anxiety
By Elle Limbear and Jane Kirby
ISBN No:  978-1-78893-312-4
Reviewed by Martin M’Caw  

We all experience anxiety at times. Will my football team avoid relegation? What’s the dentist going to do? Will my children get their GCSEs? 

Sadly there are circumstances when anxiety can overwhelm us such as: long-term illness, difficult relationships, financial problems, awkward neighbours which, alongside other possible factors, confine us to a negative state of permanent anxiety.

This is not a psychological text book. It’s a guide written by two Christian women who overcame their anxieties which engulfed them. The explanatory sub-title is 'a 40 day devotional journal to overcome fear and worry'. It’s not an easy-peasy exercise but an application of Christian faith which could ultimately release Christians and non-Christians from anxiety’s stranglehold.

The topic for each day has two pages of explanation, a page for journaling and a page with a relevant prayer.  The journaling page enables the reader to analyse and express where they are at in the process.

Day one indicates the road ahead is by surrendering to God’s agenda. The key word, hope is ‘not defined by ifs, buts and maybes’ but the biblical assertion that hope is certainty ‘an anchor for the soul Hebrews 6:19’.  The first week concentrates on who we are with our glowering anxieties. The journaling pages enable the readers to react and ‘Write down the main things clogging your mind’. 
In the second week we learn we are not on our own because God is with us.  We may be in a dark place but in God’s love we still have the power to reclaim what anxiety has been stealing from us. God does not want to punish us and if God forgives us we can forgive ourselves. It may take a lot longer than a fortnight but we are on the road to recovery.

In week three we may not be out of it yet but we are on our way. It doesn’t matter how low we have been but through Jesus we are on the way up. Journaling asks what are the stories you want to tell of your healing, and what do you need the Holy Spirit to help you in?  Run down and tired, God can do it.  1 Peter 5:7  Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.  Rest is best but even in recovery we can become worn out, but whatever we do for relaxation Jesus is in it with us.
The days headed ‘A clear heart’ and ‘Hope is here’ are important. Journaling asks What do you need to clear out of your life?, asking God’s forgiveness for ourselves and apologising to people we have offended. Negatives can set a downward spiral but God is never negative. These last several days take us through practical tactics such as exchanging fear for faith. Do not fear – persevere.
While it would be naïve and simplistic to think we can say goodbye to all anxiety within six weeks, the book sets out a pattern for dealing with our anxiety spiritually through our walking with Christ, and methodically by keeping to the practice of journaling. The darkest anxiety cannot black out the light of God’s love. However, it must be remembered that severe anxiety will also need to incorporate the patterns for recovery recommended by the medical and psychological professionals. 

The final page reminds us ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’. (Nehemiah 8:10).  The final words are 'Fix your eyes on Jesus'.  Live a life of joy.

The Revd Dr Martin M’Caw, Retired Baptist Minister and Wing Chaplain to No.2 Welsh Wing RAF Cadets, also retired


Baptist Times, 07/06/2024
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