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365 Truths for Every Woman's Heart, by Holley Gerth

'A really useful resource that when everything gets too much in the day (or night), can provide a calming reminder of how God never leaves us or forsakes us'


365 Truths by Holley Gerth365 Truths for Every Woman's Heart: A Daily Devotional of Encouragement and Prayer
By Holley Gerth
ISBN 978-0-8007-3855-6
Reviewed by Heather Jay 

This is a book that provides a year’s worth of reflections either to be read daily in order or dipped into when encouragement is needed. It’s an attractive looking book and clearly one that will appeal as a Mothering Sunday gift.

As I went into it, initially it struck me as it could be like eating chocolate - sweetly delicious at first but the more consumed, the less it is savoured. While the concept of bite-sized daily reflections is appealing, my experience was a bit mixed. At least, to begin with. 

To be honest, the foreword dampened my enthusiasm a little. At first glance, the “you’ll be okay” tone of the opening and also that “these will only take 5 minutes,” felt a little less reflective and more “quick, fit this in before you get to the next thing on your list.”

Spoiler alert: do NOT let that put you off. 

What Holley Gerth has done with this book of reflections is given a really useful resource that when everything gets too much in the day (or night), can provide a calming reminder of how God never leaves us or forsakes us. 

There’s useful reflective questions to help pinpoint how the Christian reading it can pause, pray and persevere. Holley is a counsellor and it shows in her insights. “It’s like she knows me,” will probably resonate with many readers. 

In fact, the more I read, the more I felt this book had something for every situation. I loved the reflection about finding peace in a noisy angry world that feels like a teenager blaring their music out at all hours of the day and night. 

So, yes, it will make a thoughtful gift for a mother or sister or friend. And - I speak as a chocolate lover - much more meaningful than a box of their favourite sweet treats and be far more beneficial to health. 


Heather Jay is a communications specialist in the maritime sector working for a global maritime foundation. She is a former BBC and newspaper journalist and has also worked in government communications. She is director of music at her local church


Baptist Times, 24/03/2025
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365 Truths for Every Woman's Heart, by Holley Gerth
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