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365 Truths for Every Woman's Heart, by Holley Gerth
'A really useful resource that when everything gets too much in the day (or night), can provide a calming reminder of how God never leaves us or forsakes us'
Dwell, by Anne Le Tissier
'A good and helpful book encouraging readers to dwell consciously and without hurry in God’s Word'
The Art of Giving by Matthew Porter
Unpacks how practising the art of giving brings us closer to God in an accessible and practical way
Wild Bright Hope: The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025
Twelve voices each contribute a chapter on hope, to create a 'thought-provoking anthology... a good read across Lent and beyond for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and find hope in a complex world'
The Desert Shall Blossom, by Janet Killeen
​'A beautiful collection of poems for Lent and Eastertide that will actually far outlast the season'
Lower Than The Angels by Diarmaid McCulloch
'Readers with time and stamina will be rewarded with a comprehensive view of the history of sex and Christianity, but the book could have been shorter'
    Posted: 21/03/2025
    Posted: 04/10/2024
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