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Jesus and the Powers by Tom Wright & Michael.F.Bird 

Rather than telling Christians how to vote, the authors focus on the relationship of God’s Kingdom to the powers that govern different countries and to democracy


Jesus and the Powers by Tom WrJesus and the Powers
Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies
By Tom Wright & Michael F. Bird
SPCK 2024
ISBN:  978-0-281-09007-5
Reviewed by Helen Wordsworth

It has been highly interesting to read this book during an election campaign. It contributes a thoughtful and well researched response to the issues that are currently being faced by Christians under governments around the world, especially in the light of current threats and conflicts.

But rather than telling Christians how to vote, or what to think about gun control, abortion, Brexit, racial justice, and many other hot-potato issues, the authors focus on the relationship of God’s Kingdom to the powers that govern different countries and to democracy.

They note that the Kingdom of God was established on earth in a time of empire, offering a completely different set of values and principles to that under which people lived at the time; that the early church also existed in the shadow of the Caesars; and that ever since the time of Jesus, there have been empires and rulers who have governed in ways that challenged His teaching.

They also look at the concept of Christendom as it developed following the conversion of Constantine, and conclude that it has often gone badly wrong.

There is a comprehensive list of Biblical references and ancient texts at the end of the book, giving evidence of the conscientious way in which the authors have approached the Biblical and historical issues around this topic.

From this, they perceive that government is good for the world, divinely ordained so that people can live under a sense of order and justice and that sometimes Christians will need to accept suffering under certain regimes.

But they also look to that wonderful future when God’s Kingdom will fully come, and all authorities and powers will submit to Him. And the arguments are solidly grounded in the transformative message of Jesus and the apostles.

The practical questions raised by this study are addressed in detail; How do we build for the Kingdom when the political powers seem to be working against it? Whom should we resist?  What type of state should Christians support? How should Christians manage the differences between Kingdom values and the decrees of the state?

There may be some points at which those from a dissenting background would wish to contribute a slightly more critical perspective, but there is so much of contemporary relevance in this work that it deserves more than one reading. It certainly does 'Challenge believers to embrace their role as agents of God’s Kingdom by courageously standing against tyrannical forces wherever they exist and by helping to cultivate flourishing liberal democracies that promote the freedom, dignity and wellbeing of all people.'

I can highly recommend it.

The Revd Dr Helen Wordsworth was a Regional Minister in both the Heart of England and Central Baptist Associations, and founder of Parish Nursing Ministries UK. She now helps with a church plant in France, and advises on Parish Nursing internationally 


Baptist Times, 18/10/2024
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