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Celtic Rhythms of Life - Daily prayer from the Community of Aidan and Hilda 

An excellent resource to create a daily rhythm of prayer

Celtic Rhythms of Life - DailyCeltic Rhythms of Life - Daily prayer from the Community of Aidan and Hilda
By Graham Booth, David Cole, Ray Simpson, Penny Warren and Simon Reed
ISBN 9781800392298
Reviewed by Robert Draycott 

'To stay alive spiritually, we need to pray'.

Here is a pocket book that can prove an aid to prayer for those who are accustomed to a framework but would like to try another resource, and also for those who would like to adopt the daily discipline involved.

Each day has its own theme, for example Creation on Monday, Unity and community on Thursday.

There are four prayer stops each day with the advice 'use as many as are right for you'.

These prayers can be used individually but are also suitable for couples and small groups.

An excellent resource, 'To stay alive spiritually, we need to pray' - and yes, I did repeat the opening quote deliberately.

Robert Draycott is a retired Baptist minister (various pastorates here and in Brazil), and a former chaplain of Eltham College        

Baptist Times, 14/06/2024
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