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Holding Onto Hope by Amy Boucher Pye and Leo Boucher 

A 'delightful' and 'beautiful' 40-day journey exploring the themes of hope and new life  



Holding Onto Hope by Amy BouchHolding Onto Hope - 40 days of God’s encouragement through art and reflections
By Amy Boucher Pye and Leo Boucher
Bible Reading Fellowship
ISBN 9781800392007
Reviewed by Jeannie Kendall 

This is a delightful, colourful hardback book which would make a very good gift for someone who is having a tough time and is in need of encouragement, but which could also be used as a Lent book.

Father and daughter have collaborated on it, combining words (Amy) and pictures (Leo). The readings are divided into six sections: All the earth praises God, Sowing, planting harvesting, God’s promises and invitations, God our help and refuge, God changes his people, and New life in Christ.

The readings are short enough for the busiest of us, or those who might struggle because of ill health or caring for another, to read anything longer.  

They combine anecdote and scripture, and each has a short prayer. Taste in art is very personal, but the pictures add colour, relate to the theme of each reading and add to the beautiful layout of the whole book, which definitely adds to its appeal.

Jeannie Kendall is a ‘retired’ Baptist minister, a current tutor on the Pastoral Supervision course at Spurgeon’s College, trainer and speaker and the author of Finding Our Voice, Held in Your Bottle and Heroes or Villains?

Baptist Times, 03/05/2024
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