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Wild Goose big book of liturgies and resources 3: Bread of hope 

'You will find resources here for situations which are not often signalled in the collections favoured by most Baptists'


Wild Goose big book of liturgiWild Goose big book of liturgies and resources 3: Bread of hope
Iona Community
Wild Goose Publications
ISBN: 9781804323052
Reviewed by Paul Goodliff


I find that the resources rooted in the Iona Community are always refreshing, rich and just a bit 'eccentric' (by which I mean they approach things 'off-centre', rather than going for the familiar and the 'safe.' ) This latest collection of liturgies and resources is no exception, and I found it stimulating and helpful.
It takes its structure from a calendar year of church seasons, starting with Ash Wednesday (preceded by St Valentine's Day — see what I mean about being a bit 'eccentric'? I've never come across a St Valentine's Day resource before.) Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmas are all well represented, but in addition there are resources for Father's Day, the Feast of St Benedict and Remembrance.

Another distinctive feature is a welcoming approach to the LGBTQ+ communities, including resources for reflection upon the Trans community by Alex Clare-Young, while the issues of poverty and social concern, so central to the mission of the Iona Community, are included in liturgies for solidarity with rough sleepers, weary caregivers and those recently bereaved.
In other words, you will find resources here for situations which are not often signalled in the collections favoured by most Baptists, not even in the Daily Offices for the Order for Baptist Ministry, many of which I have had a hand in writing and shaping. This is part of what makes this book so rich.
It also has a very diverse collection of writers, both internationally (Australia, United States and Latvia), from a range of church background (there are, of course, Church of Scotland ministers, but also Methodists, United Reformed, and even a Baptist — thank you, Simon Taylor!) and ministries (most have strong links with the Iona Community, and are engaged in parish ministry, community action or spiritual direction.)
Not everyone will like every liturgy, with their prayers, meditations, poems etc., but there is enough for most to find this a welcome refreshment of what can so easily become a jaded palate when it comes to both personal and public worship and prayer.

Oh, and given the price of books these days, at £12.99 it is a bargain.

The Revd DrPaul Goodliff is a Baptist minister, formerly the head of the Ministry Department, and a former General Secretary of Churches Together in England


Baptist Times, 17/05/2024
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