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The Power of Ideas by Jonathan Sachs  

A compendium of Sachs' writings over a period of years; readable and full of wisdom, encouraging the reader to think and pray


The Power of Ideas by JonathanThe Power of Ideas                                                                    
By Jonathan Sachs
Hodder and Stoughton
ISBN no: 9781399800020
Reviewed by Moira Kleissner

Jonathan Sacks was the Chief Rabbi from 1991 until 2013. He was well known for his erudition, wisdom and ecumenical work, and his willingness to hear other voices and opinions garnered respect from those of other faiths and none. This book gives a flavour of the man who believed the power of ideas can change the world rather than the use of political and violent power.
This volume the reissue of a compendium of some of his writings over a period of years. It was first published in 2021, a year after his death, and this edition, with a new cover, was reprinted in 2023. Within are a number of his radio Thought for the Day reflections, the  “Credo” articles in The Times, speeches in the House of Lords and a number of articles for the Jewish Chronicle and various speeches and lectures.

All are very readable and quite short, making it an ideal book to dip into. But at the same time a book that encourages us to think and indeed pray. Sach’s erudition and clarity are able to reflect on the world we live in. Perhaps a quote that sums up this thoughtful compendium is from Sachs himself, '……We should be fighting environmental destruction, political oppression, poverty and disease, not fighting one another, least of all in the name of God whose image we all bear.'

Salutary words still very relevant today.
The variety of topics covered, range from reflections on society, free speech, climate change, marriage, business and society, fairness, diversity, peace, morality and of course ecumenicalism. This book gives the flavour of a man, no longer with us but who was widely read and erudite, at the fore and of co-operation between peoples of different faiths, and a man whose strong belief in God permeated every area of his life, leading him to listen and learn from others and pass that knowledge of co-operation and peace on in his speech and writings.
This is a book worth having to delve into for wisdom in these difficult and often dark days we find ourselves in. There are no snappy glib soundbites. The world is a poorer place without Jonathan Sachs but this book encourages us to follow his example in seeking a path through diversity to peace in God.

Moira Kleissner is a retired Primary Deputy Head, storyteller, trainer and minister’s wife

Baptist Times, 03/05/2024
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