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Swansong by Jo-Anne Berthelsen

'This book certainly challenges us, but also encourages us that our words have real power to transform the lives of others'


Swansong by Jo-Anne BerthelsenSwansong: Start creating your legacy of life-giving words today
By Jo-Anne Berthelsen
ISBN 978-1-78893-339-1
Reviewed by: Jeannie Kendall 

When I was young, my parents would quote to me the old phrase ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me’, said to originate in the 1800s. No doubt they meant well, but it has certainly not been my experience and in fact research suggests an overlap in the way the brain processes physical pain and hurtful words. Most of us remember far more easily the negative words which are spoken to us.
What I love about Swansong is that the author comes at the subject of our words from a different angle. As the title suggests, she encourages us to think about our words as a way to help others see God’s heart for them, and to build them up. In this way our words, used wisely, leave a positive legacy in the lives of others.
She does this by looking at 12 kinds of words – including words of empathy, forgiveness, peace and, unsurprisingly, love. Each chapter includes her own stories and biblical content as well as questions for reflection which make it useful for personal devotions or group study. All of us use so many words every day – this book certainly challenges us, but also encourages us that our words have real power to transform the lives of others. I highly recommend it.  

Jeannie Kendall is a retired Baptist minister, a current tutor on the Pastoral Supervision course at Spurgeon’s College, and the author of Finding Our Voice and Held in Your Bottle, and Heroes or Villains?

Baptist Times, 23/02/2024
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