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Hold On, Let Go by Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe 

'Sometimes I have longed for a book of readings that is different and yet fits into where I am, giving me perspectives on faith from another angle, relevant to life today, and how God fits in - and this is one'


Hold On, Let Go by Malcolm DonHold On, Let Go
By Malcolm Doney & Martin Wroe
Wild Goose Publications
ISBN: 978 1 80432 304 5
Reviewed by Moira Kleissner

There are many daily readings books for Christians with short reflections on the market today. Some are of the “blessed thoughts” genre, some follow through the church year or some with reflections on Bible passages and some just collections of Biblical texts - often yanked out of their context. This is not one of them!
This small volume is produced by the Iona Community’s publishing arm Wild Goose and is compiled and written by two respected Christian writers, journalists, theologians and artists, Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe.
There are 65 undated fairly short readings that can be used at any time of the day or night, with simple line drawings at the end of each section. When you are fed up, busy or just relaxing with a cup of coffee, glass of wine or a cold beer this is an ideal small volume to dip into. Some of the writers quoted are modern, some ancient. Not all are Christian, yet intrinsically the themes are centred on our modern life with God, using questions and thoughts that have tumbled down the ages with thinkers and theologians such as Hildegard of Bingham, Francis Spufford, Richard Rohr, Walter Brueggmann, R.S. Thomas, Linda Woodhead, Michael Palin, Rosa Parks , Bono and many more; some of whom might surprise you. There is humour there too.
A sample of the readings’ titles include: Greet the day; Travel light; Break bread;  We are not alone;  Pause, Remember. Give thanks. Eat; Get lost in music; Everybody hurts; Love actually; Bear witness; Hear the call – all different reflective readings that are worth thinking about. The format is attractive and easy to read print. “Hold on, let go” is certainly a book worth using for a relaxing and refreshing few minutes in your day to reflect, think and meet with God.
Sometimes I have longed for a book of readings that is different and yet fits into where I am, giving me perspectives on faith from another angle, relevant to life today, and how God fits in. Perhaps time to flick through and just find what I feel rather than follow a systematic patten. If you are like me, that yet another “blessed thought” or systematic study readings book will drive you round the bend, then this is the book for you. The wisdom of many writers is underpinned by Christian questioning and principals of faith in a living God. It meets you where you are in this messy world, with no trite answers, nor preaching at the reader, giving you time to think, reflect and enjoy.
This would make a very useful stocking filler or small Christmas/birthday/”Just saying I appreciate you” gift for a friend Christian or non-Christian.

Moira Kleissner is a retired Primary Deputy Head, storyteller, trainer and minister’s wife


Baptist Times, 09/02/2024
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