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Knowing you, Jesus 365 Devotional - various 

Gospel-focused devotional intended to aid with spiritual formation rather than be an exposition


KnowingYou JesusKnowing you, Jesus 365 Devotional - Following Jesus through the gospels in a year
Various authors - Tony Horsfall, Mags Duggan, John Ayrton, Jenny Brown, Melinda Hendry, and Steve Aisthorpe
Bible Reading Fellowship
ISBN 9781800391857
Reviewed by: Jeannie Kendall

Finding new devotional books can be a considerable challenge, and inevitably to a degree dictated by personal taste. So it was a delight to discover this new book which, in my opinion, might well appeal to a wide range of people.

It goes through the gospels chronologically (as much as possible), beginning with Luke 1:1-4 and ending with three ‘in retrospect’ passages, the last of which is John 1:14-18, with an additional reflection for the 366th day in a leap year.

The text for each day is there in full, with a comment from one of the authors, and a prayer or question.

It is intended to aid, in their words, with spiritual formation rather than be an exposition. Particularly helpful is a section at the start looking at various ways to engage with the Bible: biblical meditation, praying the gospels, using our imagination and Lectio Divinia. I think this book would make a good gift to a new Christian, but equally be of value to those of us who are less recent in our faith.


Jeannie Kendall is a retired Baptist minister, a current tutor on the Pastoral Supervision course at Spurgeon’s College, and the author of Finding Our Voice, Held in Your Bottle and Heroes or Villains?, which was released in July 2023

Baptist Times, 01/12/2023
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