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Safe All Along, by Katie Davis Majors

A call to truly trust the Lord Jesus in any and every circumstance - helpful how Katie points the reader in the right direction and writes as a fellow traveller, rather than one who has found all the answers



Safe All Along by Katie Davis Safe All Along - Trading Our Fears and Anxieties for God's Unshakable Peace
By Katie Davis Majors
Reviewed by Martin Poole 

Katie Davis Majors is a highly motivated lady who wears her heart on her sleeve.

Her book starts with a cliff hanger of her true-life experience which powerfully describes her finally engaging with the truth that we see only a partial picture of life’s journey, while God can see round the bend – the bit off camera if you like.

Katie shares her vulnerability, admitting that while writing the book she is regularly seeing a counsellor / therapist and is taking anti-depressants. She is also dealing with a difficult transition from living for 15 years in Uganda and now settling in the USA.

Throughout the book is the call to truly trust the Lord Jesus in any and every circumstance and so receive the peace that passes all understanding. Hardly a new message but relevant because Katie believes it is “forever her struggle and ours”.

Contained in the books pages is a wealth of biblical material. Perhaps the quote that inspired me most came from Katie’s reflecting on the story of Hagar and Ishmael, dying of thirst in the desert until God opens Hagar’s eyes to a nearby well. “Beloved the well is here. Our well is Jesus. His grace, His Joy – they never run out. But we have to choose to see them.”

Frequent practical guidance in the form of the literary equivalent of pop-up menus seek to show how we can earth the points Katie makes into everyday living.

Katie lives her live at a supercharged pace hurtling through many different challenges. The book could almost be a soliloquy as she displays her remedies for 21st century issues from Instagram to the comfort to be found in the Psalms.

There will be for some a jarring juxtaposition between the US culture from which Katie writes and a UK audience, but it is to be welcomed that Katie points the reader in the right direction and writes as a fellow traveller rather than one who has found all the answers.


Martin Poole is a retired Baptist minister having served churches in Penarth, Godalming and Eastleigh

Baptist Times, 06/10/2023
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