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Emmaus: Journeying Toward and Onward from Emmaus by John Weaver

An example of autobiography as theology, full of wise reflections   

Emmaus by John WeaverEmmaus: Journeying Toward and Onward from Emmaus 
By John Weaver
Wipf and Stock
ISBN: 978-1666743708
Reviewed by Andy Goodliff

This is a personal book from John Weaver, former Principal of South Wales (recently renamed Cardiff) Baptist College. He has written previously on the doctrine of creation and the relationship between science and theology. Emmaus is an example of autobiography as theology. John uses stories from his own life in conversation with the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus to explore what it is to be a disciple of Jesus. 

The book opens with a close reading of the Emmaus story and then John recounts what he calls his own Emmaus story — from a career in geology to a call to ministry and then to train others in ministry. The rest of the book reflects on these two stories. It concludes with an honest exchange between John and another Baptist minister, Bob Morris, in what was Bob's final year of life.

The book is one that looks back. John is now retired — although still active in 'ministry' — and Emmaus is one of a mature disciple exploring his life as disciple of Christ, recognising those special moments of grace. It takes seriously what it means to 'age' as followers of Jesus. John has found journalling helpful, and the later chapters are encouragement to take that up as one way of reflecting on our journeys with God.  

The book is not long and is an easy read and full of wise reflections. I recommend it.

Andy Goodliff is the minister of Belle Vue Baptist Church, Southend. He is a lecturer in Baptist History at Regent's Park College, Oxford


Baptist Times, 30/06/2023
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