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Ministerial Rules Consultation - an update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team

The following message was sent to all our ministers and churches on 24 March 2023

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When I spoke to you at the end of last year, I said I would keep you updated on the progress of the consultation survey we are embarking on about the Ministerial rules and marriage. 
Consultation Research Team
One of the key recommendations from Baptist Union Council in October 2022 was that we needed to draw on appropriate professional expertise in designing and delivering a consultation process.  We have now engaged a professional research team for this project.   
I am confident that Sandra Cobbin and her Associates have a good understanding of our Baptist DNA and are familiar with the theological and pastoral sensitivities of the question before us. The team brings a wealth of professional expertise to our project together with gender and racial diversity.   
Please be assured that oversight continues to be offered to this consultation process from BUGB Trustees and the Core Leadership Team. There is also a small Consultation Steering Group drawn from across Baptists Together that is focused on implementing the Consultation in line with the agreed project plan. 

Timescale for our Consultation
When CLT met with our Researchers who presented the project plan, concerns were raised that the proposed timeline was too tight and didn’t leave sufficient time for churches and ministers to engage with the survey. These concerns were reflected back to Council this week, as part of a wider Consultation update. As a result it was agreed by Council to extend the time frame of the consultation into the autumn so that the results of the consultation will now be brought to Council in March 2024. 
This decision was arrived at prayerfully after two deliberative sessions allowing a number of conversations and various views to be expressed both around tables and in plenary. 
Council wants to ensure that we can facilitate a good consultation process and enable as many people to participate as possible.  We are still aiming for the Consultation to be open at the end of April* but it will now run into the autumn. 

*Our revised aim is the first half of May.
Prior to the full survey being circulated, there will be some pilots to ensure careful crafting of the survey questions.  It will be great if you are able to help with these pilots if you are approached to participate. 
I will make sure that the timeline diagram for the consultation will be updated as more specific details are available. 
Going forward as the process continues, we have set up a separate, dedicated area on the Baptists Together website to keep you informed.  This can be accessed from the front page or from www.baptist.org.uk/consultation

BA2023 A4Poster MissionIsStoryThe Role of Assembly

Please be aware that the extension will not impact on the role of Assembly in the consultation process.  Assembly will continue to offer a national space to meet some members of the consultation group. A dedicated space will be available in the Telford Conference Centre to allow for an opportunity to express your thoughts, concerns and reflection.   
If you haven’t already booked to join us as Assembly, please do follow links on the website.

I am aware that some of you will be pleased to hear about the revised timeline for this consultation and you will breathe a sigh of relief that you have more time to engage with these issues. I know that others of you will be frustrated and keen to bring an end to the feelings of uncertainty caused by having to continue to hold this question. I know that this is not an easy time for Baptists Together, but we continue to fix our eyes on Jesus and trust him. 
As always, please keep praying with me that we will be faithful disciples in all that lies ahead. 
And please do participate in the Consultation when it opens we are keen to hear from as many of possible.

Grace and peace,

Lynn Green
General Secretary
On behalf of the CLT

We have been asked about the roles and composition of various groups so here are links that will take you to more information that will hopefully answer any questions you have.


    Post     Tweet
Marriage and Ministry Consultation Update
7 December 2023: An update from Lynn Green
Ministerial Rules Consultation
24 March 2023: An update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team
Mission. Marriage. End of year update
8 December 2022: An update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team
Baptist Union Council: October 2022
12-13 October 2022: Challenges facing our Union were highlighted at the Baptist Union Council, which took place at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire
Mission Marriage
21 June 2022: An update from Lynn and the Core Leadership Team
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