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Baptists Together Mission Forum

Baptists Together Mission Forum meets twice a year and includes the mission lead from each Association, along with our General Secretary, one person representing the Colleges and another from the Faith and Society Specialist Team.

Our purpose is five-fold:

  • for mutual support and enrichment,
  • to provide a Baptist voice at national meetings and events
  • to reflect on what we see God doing missionally
  • to take the initiative in shaping mission vision and strategy
  • to allocate mission funds accordingly

Whilst Mission Forum has a fund available for mission projects, most is usually allocated to strategic and nationally focused projects discerned by the Forum.  In addition  a few of the projects might be asked to make a more formal application for a grant, and these will be considered at the October meeting of the MF Grants Committee.
If you would like to make a formal application for a grant, download the form here.

Note: Grants are only available for mission-oriented projects reflecting the core vision and values of Baptists Together.

Please read the reports from each gathering and contact us to tell us how you see God at work and how you are joining in.


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 Mission and Evangelism 
Posted: 27/03/2024
Posted: 27/03/2024
Posted: 27/03/2024
Posted: 27/03/2024
Posted: 01/01/2002
Posted: 01/01/2002
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