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Celtic Prayer; Caught Up in Love, edited by David Cole  

Much to learn and think about in this volume which explores a variety of ways of praying and reflecting from the Celtic Christian tradition

Celtic prayerCeltic Prayer; Caught Up in Love                     
By The Community of Aiden and Hilda; edited by David Cole
ISBN: 9781800390539
Reviewed by Moira Kleissner


This book explores a variety of ways of praying and reflecting from the perspective of the Celtic Christian tradition. It includes 20 different methods from 30 members of the Community of St Aiden and Hilda, who come from a wide variety of theological and national backgrounds, but are bound together in exploring what the traditions of Celtic Christianity can offer us today in the modern world as we deepen our walk with God.

This is not the kind of book to sit down and read through but to explore a bit at a time. Nor is it some trite pseudo-Celtic prayer/poem book. It offers a diversity ways of communicating with God and listening to what he might have to say to us. I have dipped in and out of it during reflective practice and found it useful and thought provoking.

There are four main parts: Caught up in love; God’s Kingdom come; Come Holy Spirit and When the old wells run dry. Each of these sections is broken down further all with different voices. It never becomes dull and repetitive.

When I first opened the book I was a bit put off by the density of the writing and small print. However as I started to use it, I found it offered much to think about and reflect on. Each contributor uses their written reflection to aid our walk with God and lead into prayer using a variety of techniques.

A very wide range of subjects is covered including Trinity, meditation and contemplation, rhythm in practice, unity and diversity, justice and mercy, living with disability, mind and emotions, the workplace, living in an urban setting, icons, spiritual warfare, the land, other cultures, lament, using the arts, when God doesn’t answer and so on.

As a resource for reflection and using many different techniques of praying, it is a useful book. There are a huge number of ideas, stories and opinions, and not everyone will agree with everything. But there is much to learn and think about in this volume.

How do you use it ? A bit like the old adage of eating an elephant – by consuming it a bit at a time! Chewing it well, reflecting and praying and seeking what God wants to say to you.

Moira Kleissner is a retired Primary Deputy Head, storyteller, trainer and minister’s wife

Baptist Times, 18/11/2022
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