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Soul Fuel for Young Explorers by Bear Grylls 

An excellent book to start children off on their age-appropriate daily walk with God using language, illustrations and Bible verses that will actually mean something to them and develop their Christian faith in a modern world


Soul FuelSoul Fuel for Young Explorers
By Bear Grylls
Hodder and Stoughton
ISBN No: 9781529347746 (e-book version 9781529347760)
Reveiwed by Moira Kleissner 

Soul Fuel for Young Explorers is a book intended for Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11) and above. It is written by Bear Grylls, who is not only an explorer and the Chief Scout but also an upfront practising Christian. And he doesn’t shy away from the fact.

The book has attractive line/cartoon drawings and contains seven chapters with ten sections in each, which is ideal for daily or weekly thinking/devotion times for young people. It is not preachy, nor is it twee but is firmly centred within their experience. It is also available in an e-version, which some kids will prefer.

In each section there is a Bible verse from either the Old or New Testaments. Bear Grylls uses these as a jumping off point for the reflections. There are titles such as: Where it all started; The bigger picture; The power within; Living well with others; Walking humbly; True freedom; and To Adventure.

I wish something as engaging and vibrant had been available when I was younger. This small volume helps the reader reflect on how the Bible relates to, and enhances the world and life that kids live and aspire to today, whether boy or girl.

I was so impressed with this book, that I suggested to those who run our Junior Church and Youth Club, that it might be an idea to get copies for the Key Stage 2 boys and girls. “They already have had copies” came the reply, “And they love it.” I was also told that the local parish church give copies to kids who have been going for confirmation this year. What better accolades for a worthwhile book, than by those for whom it is intended.

This really is an excellent book to start kids off on their age-appropriate daily walk with God using language, illustrations and Bible verses that will actually mean something to them and develop their Christian faith in a modern world. No pious platitudes here, just how Jesus and the Bible relates to our kids modern lives.

A five star book – and I don’t say that often!

Moira Kleissner is a retired Primary Deputy Head, storyteller, trainer and minister’s wife



Baptist Times, 14/05/2021
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