“We can’t press pause on the Great Commission during the Covid-19 pandemic”
Wallsend Baptist Church has released apologetics resources to help churches do lockdown digital evangelism

‘Big Questions During the Pandemic’ facilitates an online discussion group using videoconferencing technologies. Each of its five hour-long sessions looks at an apologetics question such as the existence of God, the meaning and purpose of life, making sense of suffering, and life after death.
Big Questions is based on a successful outreach run in Tyneside in April and May.
Nick Megoran, Minister of Wallsend Baptist Church, said, 'People have also asked big questions about God, life, the universe, and everything. Too often we try and ignore them. But the Covid-19 pandemic, when death and fear stalk us and life is turned upside down, simply makes it harder to avoid asking those.
'People are open as never before. We should seize this opportunity to share the gospel in new ways. We can’t press pause on the Great Commission during the Covid-19 pandemic.'
Each session has a 20-minute pre-recorded talk to watch together, plus hints on running a discussion. The talks are accessible, and illustrated with examples from film, books, music and real-life stories.
Big Questions is now live on the website of Wallsend Baptist Church. It includes pre-recorded talks, and guidance on how to set up, promote and run a Big Questions course. All of these are free to use and share.
Visit wallsendbaptistchurch.org.uk/big-questions
Baptist Times, 23/07/2020