Northern Baptist Association engaging in mission in Lithuania
For several years the Northern Baptist Association has been developing a partnership with Baptist churches in Lithuania. At the end of July a team of five people, including two teenagers, representing three different churches travelled to the city of Kaunas to help the Evangelical Baptist Church with their annual children's summer camp.

The camp doesn't actually involve camping, but the team of youth and children's workers from the church, supplemented by the visitors from the UK, runs activities for around 40 mainly non-Christian children over four days for seven hours each day, including presentations of Bible stories, worship songs, sports, crafts, food and discussions. This is now the second time which the NBA has partnered with this particular project and this has enabled a deepening in the relationship between the church in Kaunas and the Northern Baptist Association.
The trip was fruitful especially in growing confidence and faith of the folk from the NBA. On returning home, a team member's church colleague commented about her: 'I could tell that it was a significant time for her which I pray would have a long-reaching impact both for her and for those in Lithuania.'
Paul Revill, NBA Regional Minister for Mission, said, 'It was a hugely valuable visit, both to give some of our own young people and their leaders an experience of cross-cultural mission, but also in bringing love and friendship to children who live relatively deprived lives compared to most of us in the UK.
'The church were encouraged and our team returned with greater confidence in being a witness for Christ.'
Further trips are planned for 2019, and it is also hoped that the partnership might enable some reverse mission amongst Lithuanians living in the North East of England.
Baptist Times, 17/08/2018