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Sabbath Rest by Mark Scarlata 

A great book for anyone looking to explore the biblical background of sabbath alongside the tension of what it means to live it out in the world today

Sabbath Rest1Sabbath Rest - The Beauty of God's Rhythm for a Digital Age
By Mark Scarlata
SCM Press
ISBN: 978-0334058069
Reviewer: Ed Jones

There currently seems to be a steady steam of books on the theme of rest . In no way a new or suddenly relevant topic, but one in the midst of an ever busy and hectic world the church and disciples need to be taking seriously.

Mark Scarlata describes himself not as an expert, but a fellow pilgrim journey. A humble description. His own journey of discovery comes through powerfully in the way Sabbath Rest is written. He offers insight and input alongside sharing personal questions and exploration. With the backdrop of the many challenges that technology and the digital age set before us, he explores how rather than burying our heads in the sand, sabbath rest can actual empower and enthuse us for all of life.

The book delves straight into the theme of rest from a biblical and theological perspective and that is where it stays. In a busy marketplace where books on this theme are concerned, I found it sitting somewhere between Walter Brueggemann’s Sabbath as Resistance and Adam Mabry’s The Art of Rest, offering further insight and input.

From creation onwards he explores the foundation of sabbath, rest and how to take these truths and apply them in the world today. Rather than interweave application through every page, Scarlata ends each chapter with questions for reflection or discussion. These work well on a personal basis, but would also comfortably fit into a small group setting.

A great book for anyone looking to explore the biblical background of sabbath alongside the tension of what it means to live it out in the world today. 


Ed Jones is Lead Pastor at Battle Baptist Church, East Sussex

Baptist Times, 11/10/2019
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